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Intraoperative Cholangiography vs Laparoscopic Ultrasound
            point was assurance of true-positive results, which was defined   All seven patients underwent ERCP (13.2%). This proportion
            as CBD stone extraction by ERCP for the clinically manifested CBD   was statistically insignificant (p = 0.8) due to the fact that the
            stones if evident during follow-up.                selected sample was the low-risk group for CBD stones. Of the seven
               LUS was successfully carried out in all 53 patients with a success   patients who underwent ERCP, five showed CBD stones and were
            rate of 100%, while IOC was successful in 50 patients (94.34%). The   extracted, and the finding was included as end point true positive.
            difference in the success rate between LUS and IOC was statistically   The true incidence of concomitant CBD stones in our series was
            insignificant (p = 0.08). These results correlates with the literature   9.43% by ERCP. Our results of accuracy indexes analysis of LUS and
            as the IOC success rate was reported to range from 83 to 100%   IOC correlate with the literature we reviewed regarding diagnosis
            by several studies, such as the systematic review by Ford and   of CBD stones. 25
            colleagues.  IOC failure was due to technical problem in the C-arm,   The study limitations include the relatively small sample size,
            narrow cystic duct that could not be cannulated and thick valves of   which may have hindered the detection of significant differences
            Heister at the cystic duct totally obscuring the duct lumen.   between the two modalities. Further, one of the secondary
               IOC took less time to complete compared to LUS in our series,   objectives (the evaluation of the liver parenchyma using LUS) could
            and this difference was statistically significant (p = 0.001). This can   not be investigated, which was due to time restrictions. Future
            be explained in part by the fact that LUS takes a longer learning   studies should enroll a larger sample size and attempt to avoid the
            curve, 23,24  and in this study, it was the first time to utilize this   restrictions mentioned in our study. Further, longer-term follow-up
            modality; in another part, the IOC requires less laparoscopic surgical   may provide more data regarding this comparison.
            skills with little familiarity with the technique. We carried out a linear   In conclusion, our analysis showed noninferiority between IOC
            regression analysis to see if there was a correlation between LUS   and LUS in terms of CBD stone detection; however, IOC had a higher
            and IOC regarding time to complete. We found a significant positive   ability to visualize the anatomy of the biliary tracts and vascular
            correlation between LUS and IOC time. The learning curve was   structures/anomalies.
            longer for LUS than for IOC. LUS took a longer time to complete in
            the first 30 patients and then started to decline. IOC had less steep   orcId
            learning curve with time to complete dropping by 20 patients.
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