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Laparoscopic Appendicectomy and Complicated Appendicitis
            Table 2: Sociodemographic characteristics, procedure characteristics,   examination results revealed a significant association with the
            intraoperative findings, and histopathological examination report of     method of appendectomy performed.
            two procedures
                               Open        Laparoscopic        Outcomes and Complications
                               appendectomy  appendectomy      Overall, the rate of reoperation for open appendectomy was
            Characteristics    n (%)       n (%)      p-value  1.0% and reoperation for laparoscopic appendectomy was 0.7%.
            Age (years) , mean ± SD 30.12 ± 14.26  32.16 ± 14.87  0.065  The reoperation was performed mainly due to intra-abdominal
            Gender b                                  <0.001*  sepsis. Surgical site infection was higher for open appendectomy
            Male               303 (72.8)  155 (52.4)          compared to laparoscopic appendectomy, 26 (6.3%) vs 8 (2.7),
            Female             113 (27.2)  141 (47.6)          respectively, with a statistically significant p-value of 0.029. In
            Surgeon b                                 <0.001*  the LA group, there were two patients with abscess collection:
               Trainee         370 (88.9)  217 (73.3)          one required open drainage, and the other required laparotomy
               Surgeon          46 (11.1)   79 (26.7)          drainage. In the OA group, 11 patients needed abscess collection,
            Intraoperative                            <0.001*  two patients required drainage percutaneous and one patient
            findings b                                         required laparotomy. The subsequent patients were treated
               Perforated      231 (55.5)   83 (28.0)          conservatively. There were no patients with enterocutaneous
              appendicitis                                     fistulas and no postoperative deep vein thrombosis in both groups.
               Gangrenous       18 (4.3)     3 (1.00)          Only one patient developed sacral sore postoperatively and two
              appendicitis                                     patients developed hospital-acquired pneumonia. One patient had
               Macerated        18 (4.3)     3 (1.0)           intestinal obstruction which required laparotomy.
              appendicitis                                        Length of stay for the LA group was 3.55 ± 2 days while
               Grossly inflamed   127 (30.6)   111 (37.5)      for the OA group, 3.89 ± 3 days, with a p-value of 0.103 which
              appendicitis                                     was statistically insignificant. Duration of surgery was longer in
              Appendicular mass  3 (0.7)     4 (1.4)           the LA group with a mean of 84.38 ± 39.13 days compared to
               Suppurative                                     in the OA group, 68.36 ± 35.97 days, with a p-value of <0.001
              appendicitis       9 (2.2)    44 (14.9)
              Other pathologies  6 (1.4)    35 (11.8)          which was statistically significant. Waiting time in the OA group,
              Acute appendicitis  4 (1.0)   13 (4.4)           427.34 ± 398.97 days, was longer compared to 320.30 ± 222.36
            HPE b                                              days in the LA group with a p-value < 0.001, which was statistically
               Acute appendicitis   135 (32.5)  78 (26.4)  <0.001*  significant.
              with perforation                                    There was  a significant  association  of  postoperative
               Gangrenous appendi-  20 (4.8)  8 (2.7)          complications between LA and OA groups in surgical site infection
              citis with perforation                           (p = 0.029), duration of surgery (p < 0.001), and waiting time of
               Suppurative appendi- 100 (24.0)  30 (10.1)      surgery (p < 0.001).
              citis with perforation                              The subanalysis of the SSI and reoperation rate association
               Acute suppurative   58 (13.9)   37 (12.5)       between the trainees and the surgeon showed insignificant
              appendicitis                                     association (Table 3). However, there was a significant association
              Acute appendicitis  87 (20.9)  96 (32.4)         between surgeon and SSI for OA and LA. Of total, 16/26 (61.5%) OA
               Gangrenous        1 (0.2)     0 (0.0)           surgeries were done by the trainees and 10/26 (38.5%) OA surgeries
              appendicitis                                     were done by the surgeons developed SSI with a p-value of 0.001.
              Other pathology   15 (3.6)    24 (8.1)
              Appendicular abscess  0 (0.0)  1 (0.3)
              Normal appendix    0 (0.0)    19 (6.4)
            *Significant if p-value < 0.05;  Independent t-test;  Chi-squared test  Table 3: Association between surgeon and trainee SSI
                                                                Surgeon Surgical site infection a
                                                                           Open                  Lap
                                                                        appendectomy         appendectomy
            patients (>88.0%) for both the procedures reported no prior   Yes  No   p-value  Yes     No   p-value
            medical illness and some of the cases with premorbid reported   Trainee  16   354   <0.001*  4 (50.0)  213   0.216
            more than one disease for both procedures (>3.0%); usually   (61.5)  (90.8)              (74.0)
            diabetes mellitus (n = 18) and hypertension (n = 17).
               The majority of appendectomies were performed by the   Surgeon 10   36       4 (50.0)  75
            trainees as compared to the surgeons. The intraoperative            a
            findings showed  variation.  Intraoperative  findings  and   Surgeon Reoperation
            histopathology reports that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were   Open             Lap
            included in this study. Other pathologies that were identified   appendectomy    appendectomy
            in OA and LA group included gynecological pathologies, such   Yes  No   p-value  Yes     No   p-value
            as pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian tumor, colonic tumor,   Trainee  2 (50.0) 368   0.062  1 (50.0)  216   0.463
            diverticulitis, and colitis, and a bowel perforation. Most of the   (89.3)               (73.5)
            other pathologies were identified in LA group: 35 (11.8) vs 6 (1.4)   Surgeon 2 (50.0) 44   1 (50.0)  78
            in the OA group. Gender of the patients (p < 0.001), operating    (10.7)                 (26.5)
            surgeon (p < 0.001), intraoperative findings, and histopathology   *Significant if p-value < 0.05;  Chi-squared test

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  3
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