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Laparoscopic Choledochal Cyst Resection with Biliary Reconstruction
            and SSI, with a surgical time of 480 minutes (longer when compared   it is an observational retrospective study without randomization
            with our surgical time) and a bleeding of 100 cc (also greater than   and no control group. It is therefore subject to selection bias. In
            the one reported in our series).  The evidence on robotic surgery   addition, the population size of our study may be too small to draw
            in these cases is very limited; however, some authors consider that   statistically relevant conclusion, even if it is an infrequent disease
            aspects such as the magnified three-dimensional image, along   in Latin America.
            with more precise movements could represent the difference in
            the prognosis of the patients. 1,10                conclusIon
               As it was said before, some authors have reported that
            cholangiocarcinoma may be a secondary to unresected portions   Adult CC are a group of rare entities that lead to high mortality and
            CC, with an incidence of up to 30% in the adult population.    risk of developing cancer, these make their management critical and
            The global incidence reported in the word medical literature for   necessary. Complete resection of the CC and laparoscopic Roux-
            cholangiocarcinoma is 0.95 per 100,000, being more frequent in   en-Y bilioenteric reconstruction is an effective and safe method,
            patients with CC. 21,22  The risk of malignancy reported for these   although complex and challenging for the surgeon. This simplified
            patients is 0.7% to 28%, this risk increases over time. 2,5,6,8,23  Sastry   laparoscopic approach to bile duct reconstruction with Roux-en-Y
            et al., in one of their studies with a population of 7,880 patients   anastomosis seems to be an effective and safe alternative for the
            (1,914 under 18 years of age and 3,866 adults), from which 4.59%   management of this pathology. Additional research is warranted
            had histopathological studies revealing malignancy, 70.4% of these   to assess long-term results in a larger series.
            patients had cholangiocarcinoma, 23.5% gallbladder carcinoma,   AcknowledgMents
            and 6.1% other malignancies. The incidence of cholangiocarcinoma
            in type I CC is 68%; and in type IV CC it is of 21%.  The risk of   The authors are pleased to acknowledge Dr Ximena Alvira who
            malignancy is high, and it is associated with a global survival of   provided clinical feedback and assistance in preparing the
            6 to 21 years. Incidence of malignancy referred by Amid et al., in   manuscript for submission. Dr Ernest Njeru provided quality English
            type IV CC was of 9.2%, type I 7.6%, type II 4.3%, type III 4%, and   translation.
            type V 2.5%.  For this reason, it is imperative to make a complete
            resection of CC and to make a strict postoperative follow-up.  references
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