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Laparoscopic Choledochal Cyst Resection with Biliary Reconstruction
            underwent laparoscopic CC resection and simplified common bile   Table 1: Todani classification of the bile duct cyst
            duct reconstruction at a hepatobiliary referral center in Bogota,   Type  Characteristics
            Colombia between January 2013 and June 2018.        I         Solitary extrahepatic cyst
               The following variables were evaluated: age, sex, CC type
            (according to Todani classification), diagnosis, surgery time,   II  Extrahepatic diverticulum
            bleeding, biliary leakage, conversion rates, oral feeding tolerance,   III  Intraduodenal diverticulum (Choledochocele)
            Intensive care unit (ICU) stay, hospital stay time, need of   IVA  Extra- and intrahepatic cyst
            reintervention, incidence of stenosis, mortality and incidence of   IVB  Multiple extrahepatic cyst
            cholangiocarcinoma with a postoperative follow-up of at least   V  Multiple intrahepatic cyst (Caroli's disease)
            2 years.
               All patients had a pre-surgical multidisciplinary team
            assessment performed by gastroenterology and general surgery.   extrinsic bile duct compression (e.g., periampullary tumors), or
            Patient consent for laparoscopic choledochal cyst resection and   cholangiocarcinoma, patients who had already been treated
            simplified common bile duct reconstruction was obtained before   surgically for CC at another center, patients who were coursing with
            the procedure was started. The study protocol was approved by   cholangitis and patients had a contraindication for laparoscopic
            the ethics committee at our institution and it was implemented   surgery.
            in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and good clinical
            practice guidelines.

                                                               surgIcAl technIque
            IndIcAtIons                                        Patient Preparation
            In order to include patients in this study, the following criteria   All patients prepared for laparoscopic choledochal cyst resection
            were evaluated. Only patients over 18 years of age, who had a   and simplified common bile duct reconstruction were preparer
            diagnosis of CC (Todani type I, II, and IVb) (Fig. 1) and Table 1 who   as if they had an open operation, 8-hour fasting and antibiotic
            were taken to laparoscopic CC resection and simplified common   prophylaxis were indicated according to the latest good clinical
            bile duct reconstruction were selected. Patients with the following   practice guidelines. Patients and their families were informed of
            characteristics were excluded from the study: those diagnosed with   the surgical risk, possible complications, such as bleeding, infection,
            CC type III, IVa, V, and Child Pugh B (or higher) hepatic cirrhosis,   the need for additional trocars, open conversion, and mortality.

            Fig. 1: Todani classification in 3D-model by Pulido J

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