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Laparoscopic Choledochal Cyst Resection with Biliary Reconstruction

            Fig. 5: Laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy           Fig. 6: Lateral–lateral omega jejunojejunostomy

                                                               Table 2: Patient referral characteristics with bile duct injury
                                                                Variable                   Sub           n = 10 (%)
                                                                Age (years, median, SD)                  34.5
                                                                Gender                     Female        100
                                                                                           Male          0
                                                                Choledochal cyst type      IA            75
                                                                                           IVB           25
                                                                ASA classification         ASA 1/2       100
                                                                                           ASA 3/4       0
                                                                Patients with preoperative ERCP or   Yes  100
                                                                CPRMN                      No
                                                               ASA, the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classifica-

                                                               our center. Patients demographics are presented in Table 2. All
            Fig. 7: Simplified hepaticojejunostomy in Roux-en-Y  patients were women, 75% of them presented Todani type I CC
                                                               and 25% Todani IV-B, without other associated malformations.
               Please refer to the online video material: Choledochal cyst   About 50% of them were diagnosed during endoscopic retrograde
            69556 Bestoun Ahmed (this material was presented at SAGES annual   cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and other 50% with a magnetic
            meeting, Baltimore, 2019).                         resonance imaging (MRI). All of them were taken to resection of the
                                                               common bile duct with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.
            Postoperative Care
            The operative time was approximately 147 minutes. The patient   Surgical Outcomes
            ambulated on the same day of the procedure and tolerated oral   Average surgery time was 147 minutes; and the average
            food intake. The peritoneal drain was removed on postoperative   intraoperative bleeding was 15 cc. No intra or postoperative
            day 2; and all the patients were discharged the following day. No   complications were detected. There were no operative site
            patients required ICU or reintervention.           infections, biliary leaks, and no mortality. The mean hospital stay
                                                               time was 5 days.
                                                                  One patient required ICU admission for 2 days due to

            stAtIstIcAl AnAlysIs                               anesthetic complications. There was no need for open conversion
            Being an observational retrospective cohort, a descriptive   of the procedures and all patients had oral feeding and adequate
            analysis of the data was performed prospectively in Microsoft   tolerance at 1 day postoperative. Long-term follow-up showed no
            Excel databases and analyzed using SPSS1 (Statistical Package for   bile reflux at 2 years following surgery (Table 3).
            The Social Sciences) V.22.0. Variables were analyzed and median,
            minimum, maximum values, and percentages were obtained.  dIscussIon
            results                                            In 1723, Vater and Ezler described for the first time, the CC; however,
                                                               it was not until 1977 that Todani described the classification that it
            Patient Characteristics                            is most frequently used nowadays (Fig. 1). 4,5,8,9  The management of
            Between 2013 and 2018, 10 patients with a diagnosis of CC   this pathology has evolved from a cysto-enterostomy to advanced
            underwent simplified laparoscopic bile duct reconstruction in   bilioenteric reconstructions with Roux-en-Y configuration. 3,10

                                                        World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 2 (May–August 2019)  79
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