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Cirrhosis Umbilical Port Risk
            entered, a large amount of blood was gushed out. Stop bleeding   •  Reviewing of preoperative imaging to search for a collateral
            was attempted through the 1 cm wound, but was unsuccessful   vessel such as our case. However, CT scan was not routinely
            due to small incision, blood rapidly obscuring surgical field and   utilized especially in laparoscopic cholecystectomy cases.
            patient’s thick abdominal wall. The incision was then extended to
            around 5 cm, the bleeding vessel was identified as around 1.2 cm
            vein just above the layer of peritoneum and then controlled with   conclusIon
            suture-ligation. Patient’s conditions at that time were unstable with   Although various laparoscopic surgeries are recently supported in
            hypotension, and volume of blood loss was around one liter. The   CP class I and II cirrhotic patients. However, these groups of patients
            procedure was then terminated, and the patient was transferred   still possess a higher chance of procedure-related complication.
            to be resuscitated in the intensive care unit. Postoperatively, the   Collateral vessels secondary to portal hypertension can cause
            patient has gradually improved with medical controlled ascites.   serious major bleeding from creating an umbilical port that should
            The second operation was planned after the patient has recovered.  be aware.
               Preoperative computed tomography was later reviewed
            (Fig. 1) and shown the large collateral vessel beneath the anterior   references
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