Page 6 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Rooh-ul-Muqim et al

            dissection or adhesiolysis and they often remain undetected  in a study from a single center by Vagenas K et al.  Inspite of
            during operations.  There was only one (0.28%) case of bowel  the above mentioned complications the overall outcome was
            injury in our study and it was recognized postoperatively when  satisfactory, with better patient acceptance of the procedure.
            the patient developed abdominal distension, rigidity and had a
            toxic look. She was initially treated conservatively but  CONCLUSIONS
            laparotomy was performed on the 3rd day, where a perforation  LC is one of the most frequently performed laparoscopic
            in ileum with edematous gut covered with slough was found.  operations. It has a low rate of mortality and morbidity. LC is a
            So resection of affected segment with end to end anastomosis  safe and effective procedure in almost all patients presenting
            was performed. Intestinal ischemia and small bowel evisceration  with cholelithiasis. Most of the complications are due to lack of
            after LC have also been reported. 20,21  Bowel injury can be  experience or knowledge of typical error.
            prevented by trocar placement under direct vision and  A rational selection of patients and proper preoperative
            inspection of abdomen before withdrawing laparoscope. 5  work up as well as knowledge of possible complications, a low
               In our study LC was converted to open surgery in 11(3.13%)
            patients. In 3 cases the gallbladder was adherent, 5 cases of  threshold for conversion, in combination with adequate training
                                                               makes this operation a safe procedure with favorable results.
            vascular injury during LC where bleeding could not be controlled
            with routine methods, and in 3 cases with disturbed anatomy,  REFERENCES
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