Page 4 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Rooh-ul-Muqim et al

            undergoing open surgery were excluded from the study.  TABLE 2: Investigations (n = 351)
            Preoperative prophylactic antibiotics were given to all patients.  Investigations  No of Patients  %
            Mainly three port entry procedure was adopted while the
            classical 4-port approach was also done in a few cases. One  Live function tests  21      5.98
            port was made just below the umbilicus for the telescope and
            camera. The other port wad made in the epigastrium 4 cm below  Serum amylase  31          8.83
            the xiphisternum for dissection in the callot’s triangle. The third  Ultrasonography  351  100
            port was along the right mid-clavicular line at the level of  CT scan    17               4.84
            umbilicus for holding the gallbladder. In some cases where the
            gallbladder was long and the fundus was obscuring the  ERCP              13               3.70
            dissection field another port was formed for holding the fundus  MRCP    4                1.13
            of the gallbladder. Drain was put through the right sided port
            where ooze was suspected in dissection area or in difficult cases.  Gallbladder was sent for histopathology in all cases, 203
            The average operation time was 40 minutes. Three doses of  patients reported for follow up with biopsy report. 171 cases
            injectable antibiotics were given till the next morning. Patients  were reported as chronic cholecystitis, 27 as acute cholecystitis
            were mobilized on the same evening while they were discharged  and 5 were reported as adenocarcinoma of gallbladder as shown
            home the next morning or the second day with advice for follow  in Table 3.
            up visit after 2 weeks to assess the patient for complication.
                                                               TABLE 3: Biopsy report (n = 351)
            RESULT                                               Histopathology             No. of cases   %

            A total of 351 patients had laparoscopic cholecystectomy during  Bladder sent for histopathology  351
            the study period. Majority (56.4%) of the cases were aged  Report available     203            57.83
            between 21-40 years, 33.33% were in 41 -60 age while 25 patients  •  Chronic Cholecystitis  171  48.71
            were below 20 years and 11 patients had age more than 60 years
            as shown in Table 1. 89.46% were females. Table 2 shows the  •  Acute Cholecystitis  27        7.69
            investigation. Routine preoperative investigation were done in  •  Adenocarcinoma  5           1.42
            all cases, liver function tests (LFTs) were performed in 21 cases  Bleeding during the procedure was the commonest
            who looked jaundiced. Serum amylase was done in 11 cases.  complication as shown in Table 4. Bleeding from trocar site
            Ultrasonography was done in all cases while CT scan was done  occurred in 35 (9.97%) cases, from vascular injury in the callot’s
            in 17 cases due to a doubtful mass in the epigastrium. ERCP  triangle in 57 (16.23%) and from liver bed in 39 (11.11%) cases.
            (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) in 13  Spilled gallstones was the second common complication
            patients who had clinical jaundice or had deranged LFTs. Also  occurred in 37 (10.54%) cases where maximum number of stones
            MRCP (Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography) was  were recovered during the procedure. Port site infection in 17
            done postoperatively in 4 cases which reported a partial injury  (4.84%) cases while patients with biliary leak were 14 (3.98%)
            of the common bile duct in one case while in another case there  and in 12 patients it stopped spontaneously on 5th day while 2
            was complete resection of the common bile duct (CBD).
                                                               patients needed intervention, with T-tube and Roux-en Y
                                                               hepaticojejunostomy. Bowel injury occurred only in one (0.28%)
            TABLE 1: Age and sex of patients (n = 351)
                                                               patient and was unfortunately not recognized during the
             Characteristic   No. of Patients        %  age    procedure and the patient required exploration on the 3rd day.
                                                               Three patients developed basal pneumonia postoperatively.
                                                               Common bile duct (CBD) stricture was reported in 5(1.42%)
             < 20 years       25                     7.12
                                                               cases latter on during follow-up. Port site hernia was also a late
             21-40 Years      198                    56.4%     complication and occurred in 3 (0.85%) cases. 11 (3.13%) cases
                                                               out of 351 were converted to open cases due to adherent
             41-60 years      117                    33.33%
                                                               gallbladder in 3 cases, 3 due to distorted anatomy and 5 due to
             > 60 Years       11                     3.14%     bleeding during procedure which was uncontrolled with
                                                               conventional methods.
                                                                  Mortality was low in our study with only 2 cases (0.56%),
             Male             37                     10.54     and both were females with high-risk for surgery and anesthesia.
                                                               203 patients reported for follow-up after 2 weeks while 148 were
             Female           314                    89.49
                                                               lost to follow-up.
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