Page 47 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 47

Laparoscopic versus Open Repair of Inguinal Hernia

            0.9 to 1.5%. Most are transient. Orchitis was found in a small  Mesh Size
            number of patients but did not lead to testicular atrophy.
                                                               The mesh size should be adequate to cover the entire
                                                               myopectineal orifice. The established size in 2006 is 15 cm x 10
            Mesh Infection and Wound Infection
                                                               cm per unilateral hernia, with minor deviations.
            Wound infection rates are very low. Mesh infection is a very
            serious complication and care must be taken to maintain strict  Mesh Material
            aseptic precautions during the entire procedure. Any  The mechanical strength of available meshes exceeds the intra-
            endogenous infection must be treated with an adequate course  abdominal peak pressures and by far even the lightweight
            of antibiotics prior to surgery.
                                                               meshes are strong enough for inguinal repair. Aachen group
                                                               made an important contribution for understanding the interaction
                                                               of the living tissue with the implanted mesh material. The
            It is the most important endpoint of any hernia surgery. It  negative impact of pronounced shrinkage of the traditional
            requires a proper and thorough knowledge of anatomy and a  heavyweight meshes was recognized as an important factor
            thorough technique of repair to help keep the recurrence in  promoting recurrence. Schumpelick and coauthors have
            endoscopic repair to a minimum.                    introduced the logical trend of the use of lightweight meshes.
                                                               The new macroporous compound meshes present both the
            Postoperative Recovery                             successful reduction of the overall foreign body amount and
                                                               the preservation of mesh elasticity after the scar tissue
            Marked variations are seen in postoperative recovery due to  ingrowths, due to very limited shrinkage and reduced bridging
            patient motivation, postoperative advice, and definition of  effect.
            “normal activity”, existing co-morbidity and local “culture”.
            Nevertheless all trials reporting this as an endpoint of study  Fixation of the Mesh
            show a significant improvement in the laparoscopic group, with
            no real difference between the TAPP and TEP groups. This is  In the early years of laparoscopic hernia repairs, a strong fixation
            estimated to equate to an absolute difference of about 7 days in  seemed to be the most important factor in prevention of
            terms of time off work. 13                         recurrence. With growing size of the mesh and true macro
                                                               porous materials being used, the belief in strength reduced and
            RECURRENCE                                         gave way to the concern of acute/chronic pain possibly caused
                                                               by fixation. The controversy of fixing or nonfixing the mesh is
            Recurrence rates are low with the use of mesh and not  currently under scrutiny.
            significantly different between open or laparoscopic techniques.

                                                               Technical Experience
            Causes of Recurrence in
            Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair                The long learning curve of endoscopic repairs contains the
                                                               potential risk of technical errors leading to unacceptable rise of
            What then can cause mesh dislocation or failure? The factors  recurrence rate. This fact highlights the need for structured
            involved are insufficient size, wrong/defective material, incorrect  well-mentored teaching, a high level of standardization of the
            placement, immediate or very early displacement by folding,  procedure and rigorous adherence to the principles of
            lifting by a hematoma or urinary retention, missed cord lipomas  laparoscopic hernia repair. The impact of experience on the
            and herniation through the keyhole (mesh slit) late displacement  recurrence rate was in both extremes well documented.
            by insufficient scar tissue ingrowth, mesh protrusion, collagen
            disease or pronounced shrinkage. Despite the correct and stable  Collagen Status
            mesh position, there is still a limited risk of a late sliding of the
            retroperitoneal fat under/ in front of the mesh into the enlarged  Inborn or acquired abnormalities in collagen synthesis are
            inner ring. 14                                     associated with higher incidence of hernia formation and
               Leibl et al in 2000 advised to avoid slitting of the mesh and  recurrences.
            increase its size to reduce the recurrence rate. Generous
            dissection of preperitoneal space is required to eliminate  Other Factors
            potential herniation through the slit or strangulation of the cord  The negative effect on healing in hernia repair is often related
            structures completely and reduces the risk of genitofemoral  with malnutrition, obesity, steroids, type II diabetes, chronic
            neuropathy.                                        lung disease, jaundice, radiotherapy, chemotherapy oral

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