Page 26 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 26

RK Mishra et al

            •  Those with lowered cardiopulmonary reserve      of laparoscopy, others not. The goal of this review was to
               — With regard to the consequences of the pneumo-  ascertain that if the laparoscopic appendectomy is superior to
                  peritoneum and a longer operative time.      conventional, and if so what are the benefits and how it could it
                                                               be instituted more widely. There is also diversity in the quality
            COST EFFECTIVENESS OF                              of the randomized controlled trials. The main variable in these
            LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY                          trials are following parameters:
                                                               •  Number of patients in trial
            Debate still exists about the cost comparison between  •  Withdrawal of cases
            laparoscopic and open surgery. Most surgeons have the  •  Exclusion of cases
            opinion that laparoscopic appendectomy is cost effective. It  •  Blinding
            may be more expensive for the hospital but it offers diagnostic  •  Intention to treat analysis
            accuracy, and among employed patients, offers cost savings to  •  Publication biases
            society as a result of faster return to work. 2,14,18,64  •  Local practice variation
               Heikkinen TJ, et al reported a randomized study for cost
            effectiveness of laparoscopic appendectomy, the hospital cost  • •  Prophylaxis antibiotic used
                                                                  Follow-up failure.
            for laparoscopic appendectomy was higher, but it offers  Without proper attention to the detail of all the parameters
            significant cost savings from the rapid convalescence. Return  it is very difficult to draw a conclusion. It has been found among
            to normal life and work was faster in the laparoscopic group  the surgeons that; there is a hidden competition between
            (14 versus 26.5 days).  The Hospital costs of laparoscopic  laparoscopic surgeons and the surgeons who are still doing
            appendectomy were higher but the total costs were lower, such  conventional surgery, and this competition influences the result
            that a saving of $1481 was realized by laparoscopic  of study. One should always think of laparoscopic surgery and
            appendectomy. 2
                                                               open as being complimentary to each other.
                                                                  A successful outcome requires greater skills from the
            LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY AND                      operator. The result of many comparative studies have shown
                                                               that outcome of laparoscopic appendectomy was influenced
            The outcome of any laparoscopic procedure greatly depends  by the experience and technique of the operator. Minimal access
            on the experience of the surgeon. In a study of two groups,  surgery requires different skills and technological knowledge.
            conducted at Los Angeles, general surgical services operated  With a clear diagnosis of complicated appendicitis, the skill
            on 413 patients, and 232 cases underwent the same procedure  and experience of the surgeon should be considered for the
            by trained specialized laparoscopic surgeons.      selection of operating method. Surgeons should perform the
                                                               procedure with which they are more comfortable.
            General surgical 285 acute 61 gangrenous  67 perforated
                                                               RELATIVE RISK FACTORS OF
            Laparoscopic  126 acute 46 gangrenous  60 perforated  LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY
            surgeons                                           Missed Diagnosis

               10 abscesses occurred postoperatively (2.4%) in the group  There is report also of Mucinous cystadenoma of the cecum
            of patients whose operation was done by general surgical  missed at laparoscopic appendectomy.  Less than 1% of all
            services, and only one case of intra-abdominal abscess (0.025%)  patients with suspected acute appendicitis are found to have
            were reported in the group of patients whose operation were  an associated malignant process. During conventional
            performed by a standardized laparoscopic method, using skilled  appendectomy through a laparotomy incision, the caecum and
            dissection, careful use of retrieval bag, proper ligation of stump  the appendix are easily palpated, and an obvious mass can be
            and thorough peritoneal toilet). This study may be taken to  detected and properly managed at the time of appendectomy.
            indicate that complications such as intra-abdominal abscess  The inability to palpate any mass is an inherent problem of
            following laparoscopic appendectomy for perforated  laparoscopic surgery.
            appendices can be reduced significantly by training.
            DISCUSSION                                         From the mesoappendix, omental vessels or retroperitoneum.
            Laparoscopic appendectomy has gained lot of attention around  Bleeding is usually recognized intraoperatively via adequate
            the world. However, the role of laparoscopy for appendectomy,  exposure, lighting, and suction. It is recognized postoperatively
            one of the commonest indications, remains controversial.  by tachycardia, hypotension, decreased urine output, anemia,
            Several controlled trials have been conducted, some are in favor  or other evidence of hemorrhagic shock.

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