Page 25 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 25

Laparoscopic versus Open Appendectomy for the Treatment of Acute Appendicitis

            general the time should be calculated from the insertion of first  Cirrhosis
            trocar to the end of skin suturing. Cox, et al defined operating  The immunity of the cirrhotic patient is compromised and there
            time as the time from incision to wound closure.  Tate et al  is more chance of wound infection with the open procedure.
            calculated the time as use of anesthesia to the administration of  Patients with cirrhosis have shown a faster recovery when
            a reversal agent.  Generally all laparoscopic procedures are  treated by laparoscopic procedure, for acute appendicitis. 48
            more time consuming for the following reasons.     These patients were benefited by this less traumatic method of
            •  Inherent nature of slow manoeuvre of laparoscopic  surgery.
            •  Time taken by careful slow insufflation         Sickle Cell Disease
            •  Routine diagnostic laparoscopy before starting any
               laparoscopic procedure.                         There is also a report that laparoscopic appendectomy has clear
               A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial has been  benefit over open inpatients with sickle disease. Patients with
            reported with outcomes for 2877 patients. The mean operating  acute appendicitis will certainly require surgery that may be
            time was 16 minutes longer for laparoscopic appendectomy.  associated with high morbidity and mortality as a result of
               A prospective randomized trial comparing laparoscopic  perioperative and postoperative complications, mainly vaso-
            appendectomy with open appendectomy was conducted in 158  occlusive crises (VOC). The introduction of minimally access
            patients by Hansen et al. They reported that despite of longer  surgery is believed to be associated with minimal risks to the
            operating time, (63 versus 40 minutes) the advantages of  patients due to its numerous advantages over conventional
            laparoscopy (such as fewer wound infection and earlier return  methods.  The morbidity associated with surgery in sickle cell
            to normal activity) make it a worthwhile alternative for patients  patients can be further reduced by the use of preoperative
            with a clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. 61,60  exchange transfusion and adequate maintenance of hydration
               Kazemier et al in their report of a randomized clinical trial of  in the patient with sickle cell disease.
            201 patients found that laparoscopic appendectomy is superior
            to open surgery regarding postoperative pain and  postoperative
            complications, recovery time and financial. 66     LAPAROSCOPY AND IMMUNITY
                                                               All surgery and anesthesia can cause depression of cell-
            Long-term Complications and                        mediated immunity in the postoperative period, including
            Laparoscopic Appendectomy                          reduction in the number of circulating lymphocytes, impairment
            Adhesion formation is now one of the most common causes of  of natural killer cell cytotoxicity, depression of T cell proliferation,
            intestinal obstruction. The role of adhesion in the development  and diminished neutrophil function. Animal and clinical studies
            of chronic abdominal pain, although less certain, cannot be  have shown that laparoscopic surgery impairs a patient’s
            ignored.  Reduced adhesion formation is a substantive long  immune state less than open surgery. Cell-mediated immunity
            term advantage of laparoscopic appendectomy.       is less impaired after laparoscopic operation than after open.
               A study reported an adhesion rate of 80% after open  Interleukin 6 levels were less in a study on newborn infants
            appendectomy compared to 10% after laparoscopic appendec-  undergoing laparoscopic procedures when compared to open. 55
            tomy, when patients were laparoscoped three months after
            surgery.  It has been shown that the tissue trauma of the incision  LAPAROSCOPY AND RISK OF ANESTHESIA
            increases the total inflammatory response, thereby inhibiting  The general anesthesia and the pneumoperitoneum required as
            fibrinolysis and promoting fibroblast migration and collagen  part of the laparoscopic procedure does increase risk in certain
            formation.                                         patient groups. Most surgeons would not recommend
               These results strongly suggest that laparoscopic surgical
            techniques lead to fewer intra-abdominal adhesions by reducing  laparoscopic appendicectomy in;
                                                                  Patients with cardiac diseases and COPD
            tissue trauma, which in turn reduces circulating inflammatory  — Should not be considered a good candidate for laparos-
            mediators. 56
                                                                     copic appendectomy.
                                                               •  In patients who have had previous lower abdominal surgery
            LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY IN                          — Laparoscopic appendectomy may also be more difficult.
                                                               •  The elderly
            There are some diseases where laparoscopic appendectomy  — May also be at increased risk for complications with
            has found clear benefit over open appendectomy.          general anesthesia combined with pneumoperitoneum.

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