Page 43 - WALS Journal
P. 43

Nada Abid Al-Hur Al Ebrahimi
            is no evidence that this occurs, whereas a recurrence of the  excision. 20,28  The other concern is the impact of endometriomata
            endometriomata will inevitably mean further surgery.  on artificial reproductive techniques.  The European Society
            Rectovaginal endometriosis presents surgical challenges  for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
            because of difficult access and the possibility of injury to the  recommends surgery if endometriomata are 4 cm. 23
            bowel. Although reported long-term outcomes are encouraging
            with advanced laparoscopic techniques, there are few  Aim of Study
            prospective studies and no randomised controlled trials. 16, 17
            One small study of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system in  The objective of this review was to determine the most effective
            women with rectovaginal endometriosis found improved  technique of treating an ovarian endometrioma; either excision
            dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, and dyspareunia after one year. 29  of the cyst capsule or drainage and electrocoagulation of the
            A trial comparing estrogen and progesterone combination with  cyst wall. The end-points assessed were the relief of pain,
            low dose progestogen in 90 women with rectovaginal disease  recurrence of the endometrioma, recurrence of symptoms and
            reported substantial reductions at 12 months in all types of  in women desiring to conceive the subsequent pregnancy rate,
            pain without major differences between groups.  Overall, two  either spontaneous or as part of fertility treatment.
            thirds of patients were satisfied with this approach.
                                                               Material and Methods
            Should Women have Hormonal Treatment before        The reviewers searched the cochrane menstrual disorders and
            Surgery for Endometriosis?
                                                               subfertility group specialised register of trials,  the cochrane
            Only one study has examined this question. There was no  register of controlled trials,  medline (1966-august 2007),
            evidence of a difference in the difficulty of surgery in the women  embase  and reference lists of articles, the handsearching of
            who had received preoperative hormonal treatment. 30  relevant journals and conference proceedings and by the
                                                               cochrane menstrual disorders and subfertility group trials
            Should Women have Hormonal Treatment after         register is based on regular searches of medline.
            Conservative Surgery?
                                                               Selection Criteria
            There was no evidence of improved pain relief with postoperative
            hormonal treatment (including danazol, GnRH analogues, oral  Randomised controlled trials of excision of the cyst capsule
            contraceptives, and medroxyprogesterone acetate) up to 24  versus drainage and electrocoagulation of the cyst in the
            months after surgery.  The studies to date are small, however,  management of ovarian endometriomata.
            and there is insufficient follow-up to rule out a benefit.
                                                               Main Results
            What are the Effects of Hormonal Treatment after
            Oophorectomy (with or without hysterectomy)?       No randomised studies of the management of endometriomata
                                                               by laparotomy were found. Two randomised studies of the
            There was no evidence of increased rates of recurrence in women  laparoscopic management of ovarian endometriomata of greater
            who had both ovaries removed and who were given nearly four  than 3cm in size, for the primary symptom of pain were included.
            years of combined hormone therapy, but the study was  Laparoscopic excision of the cyst wall of the endometrioma
            underpowered to detect clinically important differences. 22  was associated with a reduced recurrence rate of the symptoms
                                                               of dysmenorrhea (OR 0.15 CI 0.06-0.38), dyspareunia (OR 0.08
            What is the Impact of Endometriosis on Fertility?  CI 0.01-0.51) and non-menstrual pelvic pain (OR 0.10 CI 0.02-
            Although management of pain may be the more immediate issue,  0.56), a reduced rate of recurrence of the endometrioma (OR
            the long-term outcome of fertility should not be overlooked.  0.41 CI 0.18-0.93) and with a reduced requirement for further
            Few studies have examined this. A systematic review of medical  surgery (OR 0.21 CI 0.05-0.79) than surgery to ablate the
            treatment for women with infertility and endometriosis did not  endometrioma. For those women subsequently attempting to
            find evidence of benefit,  and it is not recommended for women  conceive it was also associated with a subsequent increased
            trying to conceive. 6,23  A systematic review of laparoscopic  spontaneous pregnancy rate in women who had documented
            treatment of endometriosis in women with subfertility suggested  prior sub-fertility (OR 5.21 CI 2.04-13.29). A further randomised
            an improvement in pregnancy rate in the 9-12 months after  study was identified that demonstrated an increased ovarian
            surgery.  A second systematic review of laparoscopic excision  follicular response to gonadotrophin stimulation for women
            compared with ablation endometriomata reported a five-fold  who had undergone excisional surgery when compared to
            increase in rate of pregnancy.  There is the ongoing concern  ablative surgery (WMD 0.6 CI 0.04-1.16). There is insufficient
            about ovarian reserve in women who have laparoscopic  evidence to favor excisional surgery over ablative surgery with

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