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Laparoscopic Excision of Endometrioma

            respect to the chance of pregnancy after controlled ovarian  higher recurrence were previous medical treatment of

            stimulation and intrauterine insemination.         endometriosis [odds ratio (OR) = 2.324,95% confidence interval

                                                               (95% CI) = 1.232–4.383, P = 0.0092)and larger diameter of the

            DISCUSSION                                         largest cyst (OR = 1.182, 95% CI= 1.004–1.391, P = 0.0442).

                                                               Postoperative pregnancy wasassociated with lower recurrence
            Endometriosis should be suspected in any woman of  (OR = 0.292, 95% CI = 0.028–0.317,P = 0.0181). Previous medical

            reproductive age who presents with dysmenorrhea or chronic  treatment of endometriosis or large cyst size was a significant

            pelvic pain. Only laparoscopy can reliably identify  factor that was associatedwith higher recurrence of the disease.

            endometriosis. If endometriosis is diagnosed at the time of  Postoperative pregnancyis a favorable prognostic factor. Study

            laparoscopy, laparoscopic surgery should be the first choice of  of ovarian endometriosis after hormonal therapy, medical
            treatment, especially in women of reproductive age with an  treatment led to an incomplete suppression of endometriotic
            endometriomata. In women with endometriomata, the cyst wall  foci.  Furthermore,second look laparoscopies performed after

            should be stripped out, instead of drainage and ablation, as the  the resumption of menses have demonstrated that the disease

            recurrences are fewer and pregnancy rates improved. At present,  may return with time when hormonal suppression is

            there is no evidence of benefit of postoperative medical  discontinued. 4,15,28
            treatment but the levonorgestrel intrauterine system has the
            potential for long-term use. In women who wish to conceive  CONCLUSION
            surgical, rather than medical, treatment should be offered.
               Management of these blood filled cysts is controversial.  There is good evidence that excisional surgery for
            The laparoscopic approach to the management of     endometriomata provides for a more favorable outcome than
            endometriomata is favored over a laparotomy approach as it  drainage and ablation with regard to the relief of pain, recurrence
            offers the advantage of a shorter hospital stay, faster patient  of the endometrioma, recurrence of symptoms and in women
            recovery and decreased hospital costs. Currently the  desiring to conceive the subsequent pregnancy rate, either
            commonest procedures for the treatment of ovarian  spontaneous or as part of fertility treatment.
            endometriomata are either excision of the cyst capsule or
            drainage and electrocoagulation of the cyst wall. Although the  REFERENCES
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