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Jassim A Fakhro
             Co-morbidities             Improvement in %
                                                                 1. Nahid Hamoui, Gary J. Anthone, Howard S. Kaufman, Peter F
             Arthritis                        59                    Crookes. Sleeve Gastrectomy in the high-risk Patient, Obesity
             Asthma                           82                    Surgery 2006;16:1445-49.
             Diabetes                         81                 2. Jessie H. Ahroni, PhD, ARNP1,2; Kevin F. Montgomery, FACS;
             GERD                             74                    BradM.Watkins, FACS Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric
             HTN                              49                    Banding: Weigh Loss, Co-morbidities, Medication Usage and
             Hyperlipidemia                   32                    Quality of Life at One Year. Obesity Surgery 2005;15:641-47.
             Stress incontinence              80                 3. Crystine M. Lee, Paul T. Cirangle, Gregg H. Vertical gastrectomy
                                                                    for morbid obesity in 216 patients: report of two-year results
                                                                    Jossart. Surg Endosc 2007;21:1810-16.
            Effect of Surgery on the Level of Serum Ghrelin      4. Osnat Givon-Madhala, Rona Spector, Nir Wasserberg, Nahum
            Ghrelin, an acylated upper gastrointestinal peptide, is the only  Beglaibter, Hagit Lustigman, Michael Stein, Nazik Arar, Moshe
            orexigenic hormone, where circulating levels decrease with  Rubin, Technical Aspects of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
            feeding and increase before meals, achieving concentrations  in 25 Morbidly Obese Patients Obesity Surgery 2007;17:722-
            sufficient to stimulate hunger and food intake.  This hormone  27.
            is primarily produced by the enteroendocrine cells of gastric  5. Gianfranco Silecchia, Cristian Boru, Alessandro Pecchia, Mario
            mucosa and to a lesser extent from the duodenum. The procedure  Rizzello, M; Giovanni Casella, MD1; Frida Leonetti, Nicola
            of SG involves resection of the gastric fundus, the predominant  Basso. Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on
                                                                    Co-morbidities in Super-Obese High-Risk Patients Obesity
            part of the stomach in the production of ghrelin, resulting in  Surger 2006; 16:1138-44.
            less stimulation of the hunger center. A recent study by  6. Tucker ON, Szomstein S, Rosenthal RJ. Indications for Sleeve
            Langer  compared the ghrelin levels in patients submitted to  Gastrectomy as a PrimaryProcedure for Weight Loss in the
            SG and to GB, showing in patients with SG a significant decrease  Morbidly Obese J Gastrointest Surg. 2008;12:662–67.
            in plasma ghrelin at day 1 after surgery, confirmed also after 1  7. Fàtima Sabench Pereferrer, Mercè Hernàndez Gonzàlez, Albert
            and 6 months, in contrast to no change found in patients with  Feliu Rovira, Santiago Blanco Blasco, Antonio Morandeira Rivas,
            GB. Moreover, in patients with GB, the plasma ghrelin levels 1  Daniel del Castillo Déjardin. Influence of Sleeve Gastrectomy
            and 6 months after surgery appeared increased compared with  on Several Experimental Models of Obesity: Metabolic and
            the preoperative levels of the same group.              Hormonal Implications OBES SURG 2008; 18:97-108.
                                                                 8. John Melissas, Sofia Koukouraki, John Askoxylakis, Maria
            Complications                                           Stathaki, Markos Daskalakis, Kostas Perisinakis, Nikos
                                                                    Karkavitsas, MD Sleeve Gastrectomy – A Restrictive Procedure?
            Complications were reported in both procedures and      Obesity Surgery 2007; 17:57-62.
            percentages were reasonable. LAGB is the safest bariatric  9. Vidal J, Ibarzabal A, Nicolau J, Vidov M, Delgado S,  Martinez
            operation with mortality of 0.2%, 30-day morbidity of 5%, and  G, Balust J, Morinigo R, Lacy A. Short-term Effects of Sleeve
            delayed complication (gastric prolapse, erosion, port-tubing  Gastrectomy on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Severely Obese
            disconnection) rate of 12%. It has the advantage of complete  Subjects Obesity Surgery 2007; 17:1069-74.
            reversibility by laparoscopic explanation, preservation of  10. Italo Braghetto, Owen Korn, Héctor Valladares, Luís Gutiérrez,
            anatomy, and ability to perform a SG or other malabsorbative  Attila Csendes, Aníbal Debandi, JaimeCastillo, Alberto
            procedures. In SG complications occurred in ~9% of patients  Rodríguez, Ana Maria Burgos, Luís Brunet, Laparoscopic Sleeve
            included trocar-site problems such as infection, hernia and  Gastrectomy: Surgical Technique, Indications and Clinical Results
            hemorrhage. Other postoperative complications include urinary  Obesity Surgery, 17; 1442-50.
            tract infection and atelectasis. Some studies document a leak  11. Rudolf A. Weiner, Sylvia Weiner, Ingmar Pomhoff, Christoph
            from the anastemosis site but of major concern and were treated  Jacobi, Wojciech Makarewicz, Gerhard Weigand, Laparoscopic
            conservatively. In GB and SG mortality was less than 1%.  Sleeve Gastrectomy – Influence of Sleeve Size and Resected
                                                                    Gastric Volume Obesity Surgery, 17; 1297-1305.
            CONCLUSION                                          12. Andrew A Gumbs, Michel Gagner, Gregory Dakin, Alfons Pomp,
                                                                    Sleeve Gastrectomy for Morbid Obesity Obesity Surgery
            Both of the procedures are safe and effective in reducing weight  17:962-69.
            with more advantage for SG regarding the weight loss and effect  13. Nocca D, Krawczykowsky D, Bomans B, Noël P, Picot MC,
            on hunger. It is clear that GB in the best procedure for people  Blanc PM, C. de Seguin de Hons, Millat B, Gagner M, Monnier
            who wants to have a reversible operation, but it is not for patients  L, Fabre JM. A Prospective Multicenter Study of 163 Sleeve
            who are concern about a prosthesis in their bodies. SG is  Gastrectomies: Results at 1 and 2 Years Obes Surg 2008;18:560–
            superior to GB in super obese and high risk patients.   65.

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