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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):29-31
                         Comparison between Laparoscopic Gastric Banding and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
            Comparison between Laparoscopic Gastric

            Banding and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

            Jassim A Fakhro
            General Surgery Dept., HGH, Hamad Medical City, QATAR

            Abstract: Obesity is one of the most diseases that considers as a  Surgical Technique
            global health problem, with a prevalence of >20% among the adult  Laparoscopic Gastric banding (GB) Described in 1993 by Catona,
            population in Western countries and >30% in the USA.  The incidence  is a surgical option that involves placing a silicone band
            of overweight and obesity has increased and it has been identified as an  circumferentially around the uppermost aspect of the stomach.
            epidemic associated with an increase in the diseases related to obesity,  The band creates a small proximal pouch that empties slowly
            such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension,  resulting in early satiety and a decreased appetite. The band is
            dyslipidemia, stroke, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and  attached to an access port that is secured to the rectus muscle
            polycystic ovary syndrome. Recent a lot of studies on cancer prevention  and can be accessed percutaneously in the office with a needle.
            found that increased body weight was associated with an increased  Injection of saline into the port results in tightening of the
            death rate for all cancers combined and for cancers at multiple specific  band. This is performed on an individual basis according to
            sites. Thus, high body mass index (BMI) is a risk factor for higher  weight loss and appetite. It is the most popular in Europe while
            overall mortality.                                 in USA it has been approved by FDA in 2001.
               Clinicians all over the world have long been aware of the impact of  Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) described by Hess and Marceau
            obesity on health, functioning and well-being. In search of effective  since 1988 during the procedure of duodenal switch and since
            solutions, morbidly obese patients are increasingly turning to bariatric  1993 by Johnston in an isolated form, consists of vertical gastric
            surgery.                                           resection of 80% capacity with exeresis of the fundus and body
               There are a lot of bariatric surgeries to achieve the desirable weight  of the stomach linearly from the Hiss angle to 3–4 cm from the
            loss but the restrictive procedures are more popular as Gastric banding  pylorus using Endo GIA staplers, which leaves a gastric residual
            (GB). It is characterized by minimal invasivity, total possibility of  volume ranging from 50 ml to 200 ml. However, as yet, there is
            reversibility and good weight loss at long-term. On the other hand,  no agreement on the optimum residual volume.
            Sleeve gastrectomy (SG), described by Hess and Marceau since 1988
            during the procedure of duodenal switch and since 1993 by Johnston  Effect of Surgery on Weight
            in an isolated form, is a less common restrictive operation for obesity,
            with major invasivity and a longer learning curve than GB.  Studies showed that both SG and GB have achieved a good
                                                               reduction in the excess weight (Excess weight is defined as the
                                                               difference between the actual weight and the ideal weight for
            Classification of Obesity
                                                               longevity). Initial success in bariatric surgery is defined as a
                                                               >50% loss of excess weight, or 50% EWL. In GB %EWL was at
             Obesity class               BMI (Kg/M )           1and 3 years, 41.4% and 48%, respectively. While in SG it was
             Normal                       18.5 – 24.9          57.7% at 1 year and 66% at 3 years. Patients with higher BMI
             Over weight                   25 – 29.9           may require a second-stage operation later, in order to lose the
             Morbid obesity I             30.0 – 34.9          rest of their excess weight if their BMI remains >45.
                          II              35.0 – 39.9
                          III               Over 40            Effect on Co-morbidities
                                                               Both of the procedure significantely improve or cured the patient
            Materials and Methods                              co-morbidities and those changed were related to % EWL. In
                                                               SG After 12 months, 57.8% of the patients were co-morbidity-
            A literature search was performed using search engine Google,  free and 31.5% presented only one comorbid condition while in
            HighWire Press, Springer Link The following search term was  GB. More than 63.8% of patients with sleep apnea improved
            used: morbid obesity, laparoscopic gastric banding, sleeve  and 46.9% of them stoped using the CPAP. The following table
            gastrectomy, outcome, effect on BMI, complication.  shows the effect of reducing weight on different diseases.

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