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Laparoscopic Ultrasound–Guided versus Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation in Treatment of Unresectable HCC

                           TABLE 2: Preoperative clinical, laboratory and radiological finding in the studied groups

            Items                           Group I (PRFA)  Group II (LUSRFA)     Total           P-value
            Total number                         30               30               60
            = Right hypochondrial pain       14 (46.67%)        24 ( 80%)       38  (63.33%)       0.05
            = Bleeding per gums               6 (20%)            6 (20%)        12 (20%)          1.0
            = Epistaxis                       6 (20%)            4  (13.33%)    10 (16.66%)       0.7
            = Varices                         2  (6.67%)         0              2 (3.33%)          0.3
            = Dyspepsia                       2  (6.67%)         0              2 (3.33%)          0.3
            Biochemical Finding:
            = Albumin gm/dl (mean)              3.1               2.7           2.9 + 0.4          0.000
            = Bilirubin mg/dl (mean)           1.3               0.9            1.1 ± 0.22         0.000
            = PPT seconds (mean)               32                33             32.5 ± 0.8         0.322
            = Transaminases  IU% (median)      90                62             76
            =  α-fetoprotein IU% (median)     307               362             334.5
            Viral markers:
            = HBs AG                          4  (13.33%)        2 (6.67%)      6 (10%)            0.543
            = HCV                            24 (80%)           28 (93.33%)     52 (86.67%)       0.283
            = HBs AG+HCV                      4  (13.33%)        2 (6.67%)      6 (10%)           0.543

            Tumor     = One segment affected:  22               26              48
                      o  Left lobe:           6                  8              14
                      – Segment 2             2  (6.67%)         0              2 (3.33%)
                      – Segment 4             4 (13.33%)         8 (26.67%)     12 (20%)
                      o  Right lobe:         16                 18              34
                      – Segment 5             2 (6.67%)          6 (20%)        8  (13.33%)        0.37
                      – Segment 6             6 (20%)            8 (26.67%)     14 (23.33%)        0.143
                      – Segment 7             2 (6.67%)          2 (6.67%)      4 (6.67%)          0.309
                      – Segment 8             6 (20%)            2 (6.67%)      8 (13.33%)         0.143
                      = Two Segments          8                  4              12
                      o Left and right lobes:  2                 0              2
                      –  Segment 4 and 7      2  (6.67%)         0              2 (3.33)
                      o  Right lobe:          6                  4              10
                      – Segment 5 and 7       4  (13.33%)        0              4 (6.67%)
                      – Segment 5 and 8       2  (6.67%)0        0              2 (3.33%):·
                      = Tumor size:
                      •  Less than 3 cm.      8  (26.67%)        4 (13.33%)     12 (20%)                     0.361
                      •  3 – 5 cm            22  (73.33%)       26  (86.67%)    48 (80%)          0.361
                      = Tumour Numbers:
                      •  Single.             22  (73.33%)       26  (86.67%)    48 (80%)          0.361
                      •  Two                  8 (26.67%)         4  (13.33%)    12 (20%)          0.361

                        TABLE 3: Preoperative clinical TNM staging and child-Pugh classification in the studied groups

            Items                         Group I (PRFA)   Group II (LUSRFA )  Total             P-value
            Total number                       30                30             60
            Clinical staging (TNM):
            •  I                            24 (80%)         26 (86.67%)     50 (83.33%)          0.830
            •  II                            4 (13.3%)        2 (6.67%)       6 (10%)
            •  IIIa                          2 (6.67%)        2 (6.67%)       4 (6.67%)
            Child’s-Pugh classification:
            •  A                             6 (20%)         10 (33.33%)     16 (26.67%)          0.4
            •  B                            24 (80%)         20 (66.67%)     44 (73.3%)

   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14