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Sherif Z Kotb et al

            Statistical Methods                                vatively. Liver abscess reported in four cases (2 with LURFA
                                                               and 2 with PRFA). Early hospital mortality (n = 4) reported
            Data was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social  only with PRFA.
            Sciences) version 10. Qualitative data was presented as number  The late outcomes of this series are reported in Tables 6  to
            and percent. Comparison between groups was done by Chi-  10. There was insignificant decrease in tumour volume in all
            square test or Fisher’s exact test (FET). Kolmogrov – Smirnov  patients (Figs 11 to 13). While significant decrease in level of
            test, tested quantitative data for normality. Normally distributed  tumour marker alpha-fetoprotein was reported more with
            data was presented as mean + SD. Student t- test was used to  LUSRFA (80% vie 53.3% with PRFA group), p- value was
            compare between two groups. Non-parametric data was  highly significant 0.033. There were 28 deaths (16 with PRFA
            presented as min – max and median. Mann-Whitney test was  and 12 with LUSRFA). Less local recurrence, and distant
            used for comparison between groups. P < 0.05 was considered  metastases were reported with LUSRFA (13.33% and 6.67%
            to be significant.
                                                               vie 26.67% and 13.33% with PRFA). The overall survival was
            RESULTS                                            more with LUSRFA (60% vie 46.67%); also 2 years disease-
                                                               free survival was more with LUSRFA (53.33% vie 40% with
            This series involved 63 patients from ages 32 to 64 years, all of  PRFA group) (Table 10).
            whom presented to OCMU for RFA. 46 males and 14 females  Our study found that 75% of patients with Child-Pugh
            (Table 1). Thirty patients were managed with percutaneous RFA  stage – A , and 83.33% of patients with tumour size less than 3
            (PRFA group), and 33 patients were planned to manage with  cm, survived for 2 years, from them 29/32 (90.63%) has single
            laparoscopic ultrasound guided RFA (on clinical, laboratory  lesion (Table 11).
            and radiological bases), but IOUS reveal that the tumour in
            three patients were not candidate for RFA as it invade important  DISCUSSION
            pedicle and thus excluded from the study. Thus, each group
            was of 30 patients.                                The outcomes of this series of LUSRFA and PRFA performed
               The preoperative clinical, laboratory and radiological  by OCMU were equivalent to those in the surgical literature.
            findings in the studied groups were summarized in Tables 2 and  The high rate of morbidity and mortality may be due to bad
            3: The most common site was the right lobe (n = 44); both lobes  liver conditions and early learning course.
            were affected in two patients (3.33%). Tumours affect one  Procedure related complications represent 10% (6.67% with
            segment (n = 48), or two segments (n = 12). Tumours sizes were  PRFA and 3.33% with LRFA), these included skin burn (n = 4),

            less than 3 cm  (n = 12) or 3 – 5 cm (n = 48). Child’s – A  one patient developed a third-degreeskin burn during the tract-

            (n = 16) or B (n = 44).                            ablation portion of a percutaneous procedure (this required

               Intraoperative US do not change the operative plan except  debridement and wound care), and port site hernia (n = 2). De
            in three patients that were excluded from the study (Table 4).  Baere, et al.  reported a total of 25 adverse events with radio-
               Intraoperative US do not change the operative plan except  frequency ablations that performed percutaneously on 312
            in three patients that were excluded from the study (Table 4).  patients. Wood et al.  reported skin burn in (8%) of patients
               Hospitalization period, procedure related and early  after RFA.
            postoperative complications reported in the first month were  Early major complications occurred within 30 days of the
            significantly less in LUSRFA group, (Table 5). The average  RF ablation represent 20% (all with PRFA), these included
            hospital stay was 1.2 days (vie 3 days with PRFA), skin burn  internal haemorrhage (n = 4), acute liver failure (n = 4) and liver

            (n = 4), internal haemorrhage (n = 4) and Acute liver failure  abscess (n = 4), that was successfullytreated with percutaneous

            (n = 4) were reported only with PRFA, all were treated conser-  drainage ± endoscopicallyplaced internal biliary stent. Livraghi

                                                 TABLE 1: Patients characteristics
            Items                     Group I (PRFA)        Group II (LUSRFA)  Total            P-value

            Total Number              30                    30                 60
            =  Male                   24(80%)               22  (73.3%)        46 (76.67%)      0.66
            = Female                  6(20%)                8 (26.7%)          14  (23.33%)
            Age (Years):
            = Mean ± SD               52.3 ± 8.7            55.4 ± 6.6         53.9 ±7.6        0.284
            = Range                   32-64                 42-64              32-64

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13