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            in this review. With experienced surgeon the operation time  more blood loss and longer hospital stays. These findings are
            usually is comparable to open techniques. 3,4      inherent in the procedure and most studies have shown that
               Blood loss: As compared to laparotomy, laparoscopy is  the recurrence and correction of the anatomical defect are similar
            associated with less blood loss to the patient even though  with laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy. But with these disadvantages
            proper quantification of the actual blood was not done in most  still it can be used effectively if there is lack of experience with
            revised articles. In cohort study done on 113 patients estimated  laparoscopy and when there is no laparoscopic instrument.
            blood loss (172 +/– 166 mL vs 234 +/– 149 mL; P = .04) after  Laparoscopic sarcocolpopexy is nowadays favored by
            laparoscopy and after laparotomy respectively. This difference  patients because It is mainly minimally invasive and as shown
            mainly attributed to injury to blood vessels can easily be avoided  in many of the studies associated with less blood loss which is
            due to clear vision via laparoscope usually the amount of blood  significant and is also associated with less hospital stay to
            loss will be minimum, of course one of the complication of  patients also statically significant difference as compared to
            laparoscopy is accidental injury to great vessels which can be  the open technique.
            reduced with proper training and experience. 3,4      Operation time is also prolonged in most of the studies and
               Hospital stay: as discussed in the different studies is  complications like mesh erosion is similar in both groups. As
            significantly shorter 1-1.8 days in the laparoscopy group as  surgeons experience and skill increases some of the
            compared to the laparotomy group which is 4-5.8 days  complications can be minimized and this method can be used to
            (p < 0.005). This is very important advantage of laparoscopy  treat pelvic organ prolapse.
            because it saves much time for the patient to resume daily
            activities early and also saves much cost for hospitals by  CONCLUSION
            decreasing bed occupancy, the cost effectiveness to the patient  Both laparoscopic and open sarcocolpopexy can be used for
            is not properly shown in the different studies and need further  the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse but laparoscopic
            evaluation. 3                                      approach has slight advantage over the open method mainly
               Success rate can be determined in two ways objective
            success that is after properly scheduled follow-up visits the  less blood loss and operation time with sound cosmetic result.
                                                               In experienced hands laparoscopic sarcocolpopexy can be used
            physician will perform physical examination and determine the  effectively with favorable outcome.
            success of the treatment. Based on the presence or the absence
            of descent of the pelvic organs subjective success rate is the  REFERENCES
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