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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2009;2(1):53-54
                                 Treatment of Vault Prolapse: Laparoscopic versus Open Sarcocolpopexy
            Treatment of Vault Prolapse: Laparoscopic

            versus Open Sarcocolpopexy

            Million Teshome
            Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia

            Abstract                                           organ prolapse is multifactorial and result in weakening of the
            Pelvic organ prolapse is one of the common problems for parous women.  pelvic support connective tissue and muscles as well as nerve
            A literature review of published articles was done to determine the best  damage. It is estimated about 50% of parous population may
            method of treatment for pelvic prolapse mainly laparoscopic and open  encounter pelvic organ prolapse. Patients may be asymptomatic
            laparotomy methods. Electronic search made via medline, google and  or have significant symptoms such as those relating to the
            springer link using the keywords laparoscopic/open sarcocolpopexy
            and vault/organ prolapse and relevant articles were reviewed. More than  lower urinary tract, pelvic pain, defecatory problems, fecal
            2000 patients included in this review and the results showed  incontinence, back pain, and dyspareunia. To correct this
            that laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy has shorter hospital stay 1-1.8  problem different abdominal and vaginal surgical techniques
            days in the as compared to the laparotomy group which is 4-5.8 days  have been used. The abdominal approach can be laparoscopic
            (p < 0.005). Regarding estimated blood loss laparoscopy has less bleeding  or open method to restore pelvic anatomy and sexual function. 1
            compared to laparotomy (172 +/– 166 mL vs 234 +/– 149 mL; P = .04).  The open technique is performed through abdominal
            But the operation time is longer with this method, mean operation time  incision and involves suspending the prolapsed vaginal vault
            is 223(+/–24) minutes for the laparoscopic group and 195 (+/–45)  to the sacral promontory using a synthetic mesh (polypropylene,
            minutes for the abdominal sarcocolpopexy group. Other complications  ®  ®
            like mesh erosion up to 5% is the same for both procedures. The chance  Gore-tex,  Mersilene ). It is associated with a risk of hemorrhage
            of recurrence10-20% after sarcocolpopexy is a possibility for both  from presacral vessels and around 4.3% of women may require
            methods with short and long-term period of follow-up 3 months to 13  a blood transfusion. The chance of mesh erosion is 5%. The
            years. In conclusion laparoscopic approach has favorable outcome if  subjective success rate following an abdominal sacrocolpopexy
            properly done by skilled surgeon especially with decreased hospital  in a randomized study was 94% and the associated objective
            time and operation time.                           success rate was 76%. 2
            Keywords: Laparoscopic sarcocolpopexy, pelvic prolapse, vault  Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy which is relatively new
            prolapse, open sarcocolpopexy.                     technique is an alternative to open method although operative
            Aims and objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the  time tends to be slightly longer, intraoperative complications
            effectiveness and safety of laparoscopic and conventional open  are related to the surgeon’s experience and remain comparable
            abdominal sarcocolpopexy in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse.  to those noted in laparotomy however, it requires a high degree
            Parameters evaluated for both methods include patient selection,  of laparoscopic skill to perform the procedure via this route.
            operative technique, and operative time, intraoperative and  Even though there are a number of procedures to correct
            postoperative complications. Evaluation was also done for post-
            operative morbidity, hospital stay, cost effectiveness and short-term  this problem the two most widely methods are being used by
            and long-term quality of life.                     different surgeons worldwide. This paper tries to asses which
                                                               method is more appropriate to treat with the least complication
            Materials and methods: A literature search was performed using
            Medline and search engines’, Google, Springer link and Highwire press.  and with long lasting favorable functional anatomical outcome.
            The following search terms were used laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy,
            pelvic organ prolapse, vault prolapse, suspension treatment.1640  CONTENT
            citations were found in total and selected papers were screened for  More than 2000 patients were included in this study, all the
            further references. Criteria for selection of literature were the number  comparison done only on laparoscopic and abdominal
            of cases (excluded if less than 20), method of analysis (statistical or
            nonstatistical), operative procedure (only universally accepted  sacrocolpopexy cases. Patients with additional procedures at
            procedures were selected) and the institution where the study was  the time of surgery and variations of pelvic organ prolapse
            done (specialized institution for laparoscopy surgery).  surgery were excluded from the study to avoid biases.
                                                                  Operation time: Mean operation time is 223(+/–24) minutes
            INTRODUCTION                                       for the laparoscopic group and 195(+/–45) minutes for the
            With the aging of the population, pelvic organ prolapse is an  abdominal sarcocolpopexy group. This is slightly greater in the
            increasingly common condition seen in women. Cause of pelvic  laparoscopic approach, and is evident on all studies included

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