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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2009;2(1):17-19
                                         Analysis of Errors in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
            Analysis of Errors in Laparoscopic


            Ali Aminian
            Assistant Professor of General Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

            INTRODUCTION                                       DISCUSSION
            Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), as a standard of care in  Training in error analysis and prevention has been well-established
            symptomatic gallstone disease, is the most commonly  in high-risk activities such as aviation and space travel. There
            performed operation of the gastrointestinal tract. However,  has been little research in why and how errors occur during
            complication rate of LS is higher than open surgery,  which  surgery. Additionally, most of these studies concentrate on
            is not a matter for discussion only at morbidity and mortality  postoperative adverse events and do not reflect on surgical
            conferences or at meetings: patients are being injured.  In  technical skill errors and why they may occur.   Several studies
            surgical practice even a simple error may have profound  have indicated that most of the adverse events are preventable. 7,8
            consequences.                                         Performing laparoscopic surgery involves a complex cascade
               Surgical practice must be effective and safe. One of the  of psychomotor skills. While performing such highly technical
            most important responsibilities of surgical educators is  tasks, it may be very difficult not to commit some errors.
            teaching of safe surgery. Accordingly, one of the main  Therefore, the recognition and the execution of errors is an
            objectives of world association of  laparoscopic surgeons  important task for surgeons. 6,8-10
            (WALS) is education of correct way of minimal access surgery.  A good method for assessing and improving knowledge is
            The aim of this study is to increase the awareness of  to try to detect errors. Previous studies confirmed that the ability
            laparoscopic surgeons about possible errors during laparos-  to detect errors is closely correlated with technical performance.
            copic procedures.                                  By examining the error rather than reading a book or having a
                                                               verbal explanation may help improve their avoidance. 11,12  In
            MATERIAL AND METHODS                               conclusion, this study will try to improve the knowledge and
                                                               subsequently the skill of laparoscopic surgeons in a novel fashion.
            In the attached DVD to this issue of world journal of
            laparoscopic surgery (WJLS), there is a video of LC with several  ANALYSIS OF ERRORS IN LAPAROSCOPIC
            errors. This operation was performed by a general surgery  CHOLECYSTECTOMY
            resident postgraduate year 4 in the teaching university hospital  One of the main objectives of world association of laparoscopic
            without the attending supervision in December 2008. This real-  surgeons (WALS) is education of correct way of minimal access
            time video was divided into 10 parts. A questionnaire form  surgery. It has been proved that a good method for assessing
            (both paper-based and computer-based) has been made. It  and improving knowledge is to try to detect errors. The aim of
            included the demographic data and a table. It is expected that  this study is to increase the awareness of laparoscopic surgeons
            the surgeons see the video carefully and write all errors  about possible errors during laparoscopic procedures. There is
            happened in each parts of the operation. The completed form  a video of laparoscopic cholecystectomy with several errors.
            can be sent to An award and certificate will be  This real-time video was divided into 10 parts. A questionnaire
            given to five surgeons specifying more errors in each parts of  form (including demographic data and tables) in word format
            video by WALS during the next upcoming WALS meeting at  has been made. We request to see the video and write all errors
            2010.                                              happened in each parts of the operation. The completed form
                                                               can be sent to Deadline for sending the answers
            RESULTS                                            will be at the end of the June 2009. An award and certificate will
            After receiving and analyzing the answers, a complete set of  be given to five surgeons specifying more errors in each parts
            errors happened in this video will be published in the next issue  of video by WALS during the next upcoming WALS meeting
            of WJLS. This process will increase the awareness of  at 2010.
            laparoscopic surgeons about different errors in LC and has a  Please see the video for errors and write in the Table below:
            great educational impact.                             Download the video from

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