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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2009;2(1):23-26
                                      Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is Safe in the Elderly Patients

            Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is Safe in the

            Elderly Patients

            Mohend AN Alshalah
            Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Babylon University, Babylon, Iraq

            Abstract                                           who represent the fastest growing segment.  Although they
            Background: The aim of this review was to evaluate the rate of  currently comprise only one-eighth of the population, the elderly
            laparoscopic surgery in elderly patients with gallstones and to compare  already account for nearly one-third of surgical patients.
            it with their younger counterparts, also to study the safety and efficacy  Cholecystectomy is the most commonly performed surgical
            of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in elderly patients by comparing the  procedure in elderly individuals.  Life expectancy has been
            results with open cholecystectomy (OC).            progressively increasing during the past few decades.
               The relation between ages, comorbid diseases, mean operative  Improvements in primary prevention, advances in acute
            time, hospital stay, the incidence of major postoperative complications
            and the rate of conversion were also evaluated.    medical care, and progress in pharmaceutical and biomedical
                                                               technology may be the cause for that demographic change.

            Content: Twenty studies evaluated laparoscopic cholecystectomy in  The term ‘elderly’ is used in the medical literature to describe

            the elderly. Compared with open cholecystectomy, elderly patients

            undergoing the laparoscopic procedure had a lower incidence of  people older than 65 years. With an increasing life expectancy

            complications and a shorter hospitalization. Advanced age with its  of more than 65 years, it is becoming harder to define the real
            concomitant comorbid conditions may be associated with increased  ‘old’ and therefore ‘high-risk’ group of patients from the
            postoperative laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) complications and  viewpoint of modern medicine. 17
            more frequent conversion to open cholecystectomy (OC).  The advances in minimally invasive surgery over the past
            Material and methods: An electronic search using the Midline and the  decade have benefited patients undergoing a variety of surgical
            search engine Google, Springer link and Highwire press databases was  procedures. For the elderly, who often are less able to withstand

            performed using the term  laparoscopy cholecystectomy in elderly  the trauma and stress of open abdominal surgery, the

            patients. Literature published in the English languagein the past 9 years  advantages of a laparoscopic approach may be especially
            was reviewed. Relevant surgical textbooks were also reviewed.  important. 16
            Methods literature searches were conducted to identify: (1) comparative  (LC) is now the gold standard treatment of symptomatic
            studies which reported (LC) outcomes in elderly Compared with open  gallstones and is the commonest operation performed laparo-

            cholecystectomy and; (2) Studies comparing outcomes of (LC)in elderly  scopically world-wide. 8
            with their younger age group (3) Also comparing the outcome of  Our aim was to evaluate the rate of laparoscopic surgery in
            elderly patients presented electively and urgently.  elderly patients with gallstones and to compare it with their

            Conclusions: Underlying cardiopulmonary diseases, individualsolder  younger counterparts. The relation between age and the rate of
            than 65 years tolerate laparoscopic cholecystectomy well. Post-  conversion, risk factors associated with prolonged post-
            operative complications and hospitalization are lower than in open  operative hospitalization were also evaluated, and comparing
            cholecystectomy. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a safe procedure  with the results of (OC).
            in gall bladder diseases.
               Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a safe procedure for acute  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            Cholecystitis in elderly patients, resulting in fewer complications and
            shorter hospital stay than open cholecystectomy. Emergency LC  A literature search was performed using the Midline and the
            surgery in elderly patients have higher rate of morbidity and mortality  search engine Google, Springer link and Highwire press
            but less than in OC.                               databases was performed using the term laparoscopy in elderly
                                                               patients. Literature published in the English language in the
            Keywords: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, open cholecystectomy,  past 10 years was reviewed. Relevant surgical textbooks were
            elderly, safe.
                                                               also reviewed.
                                                                  965 citation found in total, selected papers were screened
                                                               for further references.
            As our population ages, outcomes analysis of surgical treatment  Criteria for selection of literatures were the number of cases
            strategies become increasingly important in elderly patients  (excluded if less than 20), method of analysis (statistical or non-

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