Page 4 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 4

Matvey Tsivian et al
            articles in english were reviewed and summarized collecting  injury was identified and repaired intraoperatively; postoperative
            available data as reported for our series.         course was uneventful in all cases.
                                                                  Final pathology was local recurrence of Renal cell carcinoma
            RESULTS                                            (RCC) in 3 cases, 1 lymphoma, 1 sarcoma, 1 schwannoma and
                                                               2 retroperitoneal cysts (one of adrenal origin). It is of note that
            Table 1 summarizes clinical presentation, imaging findings and  in our series malignant pathology accounted for 5 out of 8 cases
            demographics of the patients in our series.        (62.5%).
               Of note, in our series 3 cases (37.5%) were found on follow-
                                                                  Hospital stay ranged from 2 to 7 days (median 3). With an
            up imaging due to history of RCC. It is important to note that  average follow-up of over 2 years there are no recurrences.
            only 3 of 8 patients were symptomatic at presentation. Average  Patient no. 1 was lost on follow-up after 24 months.
            lesion size (largest diameter on imaging) was 6.88 cm ranging
            from 2 to 16 cm.
               Surgery and postoperative course are reported in Table 2.  DISCUSSION
            In 2 (25%) cases preoperative biopsy was performed and only  Literature review yielded 21 papers of laparoscopic treatment
            in one case its result correlated with final pathology diagnosis.  of retroperitoneal masses for a total of 27 cases. Most papers
            Only in one case incisional biopsy was performed whether all  are case reports 1-18  and there are 3 small series. 19-21  Table 3
            other findings were radically excised. All procedures were  summarizes the data of those cases; unfortunately some papers
            successfully completed laparoscopically with no conversions.  are incomplete with regards to several data elements. As for
            Mean operative time was 131 min (range 60-270 minutes), in two  today, to the best of our knowledge, this is the largest series of
            cases concomitant surgery was performed (laparoscopic ventral  laparoscopic treatment of retroperitoneal masses.
            hernia repair and controlateral open partial nephrectomy in one  Within the available literature, in roughly one half of the
            case, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy in another) and its  cases (13 out of 27, 48%) the finding of a retroperitoneal process
            time was subtracted from total. Blood loss ranged from 0 to  was incidental and patients were asymptomatic. Abdominal or
            200 mL and blood transfusions were not required. One bowel  flank pain at presentation accounted for 11 cases, abdominal

                                  Table 1: Demographics, clinical presentation and imaging findings in our series
                         Patient  Gender  Age    Presentation            Symptomatic  Side     Size
                          no.    (M/F)  (Years)                            (Yes/No)   (L/R)    (cm)
                           1       M      60     Work-up for systemic disease  Yes      L        2
                           2       M      56     Follow-up imaging (RCC)     No         L        2
                           3       M      68     Follow-up imaging (RCC)     No        R         5
                           4       M      56     Incidental                  No         L       10
                           5       F      52     Incidental                  No        R         4
                           6       M      73     Follow-up imaging (RCC)     No        R         4
                           7       F      53     Flank and abdominal pain   Yes         L       16
                           8       F      46     Flank and abdominal pain   Yes         L       12

                                    Table 2: Surgery characteristics and postoperative course in our series
            Patient  Preoperative   Final        Malignant   Procedure    Operative  Compli-   Hospital  Follow-up
              no.    biopsy        pathology     (Yes/No)                time (Min)  cations  stay (days)  (months)
              1        No         Lymphoma         Yes     Incisional biopsy  60       No         2       24*
              2        No     RCC (local recurrence)  Yes     Excision     270**    colon injury  7       50
              3        No     RCC (local recurrence)  Yes     Excision      120        No         6       38
              4        No        Schwannoma         No        Excision      150        No         3       35
              5    Mesenchymal
                      tumor        Sarcoma         Yes        Excision      120        No         3       18
              6       RCC     RCC (local recurrence)  Yes     Excision      110        No         2       13
              7        No         Adrenal cyst      No        Excision      140        No         2       13
              8        No      Retroperitoneal cyst  No       Excision      80***      No         6        5
             Average                                                       131.25               3.88       24.5
            RCC – Renal cell carcinoma
              * Lost on follow-up
              ** Concomitant laparoscopic postoperative ventral hernia (POVH) repair and controlateral open partial nephrectomy (operative time
               detracted from total)
             *** Concomitant laparoscopic cholecystectomy (operative time detracted from total)

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