Page 22 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 22

A 3 Years Review of Hysteroscopy in a Private Hospital in Nigeria

            A 4 mm 0 rigid telescope was used. The hysteroscopic           Table 3: Findings at hysteroscopy
            procedures were carried out during the proliferative phase of       3A:  Si ngle path ology
            the patients’ menstrual cycle. All but nine patients had  Pathology                  n        %
            paracervical block with xylocaine in addition to intravenous  IUA only               25      28.7
            pentazocine and promethazine for pain relieve. The nine patients  Endometrial polyp  10      11.5
            had general anesthesia as they had combined hysteroscopy  Bone pieces                 3       3.5
            and laparoscopy. Normal saline was used as distention medium.  Cervical stenosis     3        3.5
            Therapeutic procedures were performed with hysteroscopic  Submucous fibroid           2       2.3
            grasping forceps and scissors.                      False passage                    1        1.1
                                                                Total                            44      50.6
                                                                              3B:  Mult i ple pat h ologies
            A total of 87 hysteroscopies were carried out during the period  Pathology           n        %
            under review. Eighty-five (97.7%) patients presented with
            infertility. The parity ranged from 0-5. Table 1 shows the age  IUA and polyp        8 7       9.2
                                                                IUA and cervical stenosis
            distribution of the patients. The age range was 24-47 years  Cervical stenosis and Endo. polyp  5  5.7
            (35.5 ± 4.7). Majority of the patients were aged between 35 and  IUA and uterine perforation  3  3.5
            39 years (39.1%). As shown in Table 2, sixty three (72.4%)
            patients were nulliparous. Among the nulliparous patients, 14  Total                 23       26.5
            (22.2%) had primary infertility. Seven of the fourteen patients  IUA = Intrauterine adhesions
            (50%) had intrauterine adhesions at hysteroscopy.   Endo. polyp = Endometrial polyp
               Twenty patients (23%) had normal hysteroscopic findings.    Table 4: Hysteroscopic procedures
            As shown in Table 3, forty-four (48.3%) patients had single
            pathology while 23 (26.4%) had multiple pathologies. The  Procedure                n         %
            commonest pathology was intrauterine adhesions (43 or 64.2%).  Adhesiolysis        43        67.2
            There were 3 (3.5%) cases of retained fetal bones within the  Polypectomy          23        35.9
            endometrial cavity. Table 4 shows the different hysteroscopic  Cervical dilatation  15       23.4
            procedures carried out. Sixty-four (73.6%) patients underwent  Removal of bone piece  3 1     4.1
                                                                Submucous myomectomy
            hysteroscopic surgical procedures. The commonest procedure
            performed was adhesiolysis (43 or 67.2%) followed by  involved a 33 years old woman who developed apnea following
            polypectomy (23 or 35.9%). While 21 (48.8%) patients had an  completion of the procedure under general anesthesia.
            intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD), 4 (9.3%) had Pediatric
            Foley’s catheter inserted following adhesiolysis. One  DISCUSSION
            complication (1.2%) occurred during the study period and
                                                               During the last few years, diagnostic hysteroscopy has become
                                                               a standard procedure in the diagnosis of fertility disorders,
                       Table 1: Age distribution of patients
                                                               abnormal uterine bleeding and sonographically suspicious
                Age (years)           n              %                            4
                                                               endometrial reflection.  Today, hysteroscopic resection of
                  20-24               1              1.1       uterine myomas, dissection of uterine septa and endometrial
                  25-29              10             11.5       ablation are standard procedures.  Performed concomitantly
                  30-34              24             27.6       with laparoscopy, hysteroscopy becomes the most effective
                  35-39              34             39.1       technique for evaluation of the uterine and tubal conditions
                                                               that may play a role in female fertility. 5
                   > 40              18             20.7
                                                                  As would be expected being a fertility center, majority of
                  Total              87             100        the patients were nulliparous (72.4%). Of the 2 patients who did
                                                               not present with infertility, 1 presented with dysfunctional
                       Table 2: Parity distribution of patients
                                                               uterine bleeding. She was a 38 years old para 4 lady who had
                  Parity              n              %         normal findings at hysteroscopy. The other was a 44 years old
                    0                 63            72.4       para 5 +3  lady who presented with recurrent spontaneous
                    1                 15            17.2       miscarriages. Hysteroscopy showed minimal uterine adhesions
                  2-4                  6             6.9       which would not account for the miscarriages. Cervical os
                   > 5                 3             3.5
                                                               appeared intact and a chromosomal cause was suspected. Being
                  Total               87            100        advanced in age and a grandmultipara she was equally

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