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Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Towards Brighter Future

            transgastric approaches allowed performance of complex  pressure carbon dioxide followed by puncture of the
            small bowel resections with intracorporeal formation of  remaining gastric wall. The endoscope was advanced
            anastomoses. Much of the initial studies focused on the  through the tunnel into the peritoneal cavity and a
            feasibility of NOTES. It is now believed that although  cholecystectomy was performed. The submucosal tunnel
            complex and plagued with restrictions, practically any  was crafted cephalad to position the endoscope for operating
            abdominal operation could be performed using the available  in the right upper quadrant. At the end of the operation, the
            natural orifice techniques.                        mucosal entry point was closed with clips or tissue anchors.
               Reliable closure of the viscerotomy is the corner stone  The Ohio State group has closed gastrotomies in animal
            in avoiding intra-abdominal sepsis. As mentioned above,  studies with a bio absorbable plug, as in inguinal hernia
                                                               repair. 19,20  This eliminated the need for complex tissue
            leaving the viscerotomy open and PEG tube occlusion of
                                                               manipulation and provided watertight closure with minimal
            the gastrotomy were shown to be inadequate in the porcine
                                                               chances of infectious complications. This technique might
            model. Endoclips for closure have also been used with some
            success, 13  however clips only provide mucosal    simplify the process of viscerotomy closure.
                                                                  The pneumoperitoneum in NOTES is commonly created
            approximation. Numerous devices have been used to attempt
                                                               using endoscopic insufflators and as in laparoscopy, the
            full thickness closure. One such instrument is the NDO
                                                               intra-abdominal pressure requires continuous monitoring
            Plicator which was initially developed for the endoscopic
                                                               otherwise unchecked insufflation might lead to abdominal
            management of gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is a 15
                                                               compartment syndrome. A recent study have shown that
            mm instrument whose jaws place a full-thickness permanent
                                                               pressure transducers fitted to the end of a gastroscope or
            suture with polytetrafluoroethylene bolsters. Closure of full-
                                                               passed through a working channel can detect intra-abdominal
            thickness gastrotomies has been shown to be reliable with  pressure with a high accuracy. 21  Such devices could be
            the NDO Plicator. 14,15  Bursting pressures of the porcine  easily incorporated into NOTES operating endoscopes.
            stomach after closure exceed 90 mm Hg and a water-tight  Alternative means to monitor intra-abdominal pressure
            closure is achieved, as evidenced by fluoroscopic contrast  include passage of a transabdominal Verees needle for the
            studies. Survival studies in porcine models have shown  same.
            minimal rates of intra-abdominal infections after transgastric  Adequate retraction is a must to safely perform complex
            peritoneoscopy and closure with the NDO Plicator.  abdominal operations, such as cholecystectomy but with
               Another method of gastrotomy closure is using a  endoscopic instruments, appropriate retraction has been
            commercially available over tube and suturing device.  The  difficult to achieve. Keeping this in mind a group from the
            over tube is steerable, torque-stable, fixable, and accommo-  University of Texas-Southwestern has developed an
            dates a slim endoscope and a suturing device. The suturing  ingenious method using intra-abdominal magnets to provide
            device consists of a grasper that locks at 45 degrees angle  retraction during operations. 22,23  In their technique, an
            to the instrument shaft. A needle and suture passes through  external magnet is paired to its intra-abdominal counterpart.
            the device and can be bolstered with polyester tissue anchors.  The organ of interest is attached with a metal device, such
            In the porcine stomach, robust, full-thickness sutures and  as a clip, and paired to the magnet. Tissue manipulation is
                                                               performed by moving the external magnet to achieve the
            fine tissue manipulation was achievable using this platform.
                                                               desired retraction. To provide a stable surgical field for
               The self-approximating translumenal access technique
            (STAT) 17,18  has been developed by the Penn State group  natural orifice surgery, new endoscopes are under develop-
                                                               ment. Swanstrom  and others  are using endoscopes that
            that might obviate the need for full thickness closure. An
                                                               allow the surgeon to operate with both hands, without the
            incision is first made in the gastric mucosa, and then a
                                                               need of one hand being used for stabilizing the endoscope.
            submucosal tunnel is developed of at least 5 cm length using  25
                                                               Others  are using commercially available multi bending
            a dissecting balloon. After tunneling away from the mucosal
                                                               endoscopes with dual instrumentation channels to provide
            defect, the muscularis and serosa are punctured, and the
                                                               better stability and maneuverability at the same time.
            abdomen is entered. After the operation, the scope is  The NOTES endoscope of the future will have the ability
            withdrawn and only the mucosa is closed. In a porcine  to maintain a fixed position and its multi working channels
            model, this technique has yielded favorable results.  would be angled in such a way as to make a diamond baseball
               Sumiyama have published transgastric cholecystectomies  concept with the operating field.
            in laboratory animals using an offset gastrostomy, similar  Some groups have overcome these obstacles of diamond
            to STAT. A submucosal tunnel was created using high  baseball concept and retraction by inserting more than one

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):19-25                              21
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