Page 35 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
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Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Surgical Technique

                   A                                           B
                        Figs 1A and B: Port site placement for laparoscopic (A) left adrenalectomy, and (B) right adrenalectomy

            Port site placement:  Similar as describe for left  3. Continue dissection of adrenal gland as describe in left
            adrenalectomy but adding 5 mm port at epigastrium for  adrenalectomy. Adrenal gland was extracted in a sterile
            liver retractor insertion (Figs 1A and B).            plastic bag, complete checking for hemostasis and suture
                                                                  skin incision.
            Operative Approach   3-5,7,8
                                                               Lateral Retroperitoneal Approach
            1. Mobilization of Toldt’s line through triangular ligament
               for  upward  liver retraction. Then mobilization of  The lateral retroperitoneal approach to the adrenal gland is
               duodenum to exposure of right kidney, right adrenal  providing benefit in case of prior extensive abdominal surgery
               gland and inferior vena cava (IVC).             to avoid visceral organ injury. Limitation of this surgical
            2. Dissection was done medially and upward along IVC  technique in case of adrenal tumor size larger than 7 cm
               for identified right adrenal vein then clipped and divided  that may lack of anatomical landmark in retroperitoneal space.
               (Figs 2A and B). This step should be done carefully,  Patient position: Full flank position with slightly flexed
               avoid massive bleeding from IVC.                operative table for expands the operative space between the

                    A                                           B
                     Figs 2A and B: Port side placement for laparoscopic dissection of (A) left adrenal vein, and (B) right adrenal vein

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):91-97                                 93
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