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Review of Literatures on Laparoscopic Prosthetic Repair of Giant Hiatal Hernia than Pure Anatomical Repair of Crura

                                                                  Acellular human dermal matrix may be an effective
                                                               method to buttress the crural closure in patients with large
                                                               hiatal hernias. Longer follow-up in larger numbers of patients
                                                               is needed to assess the validity of this approach.  25


                                                               Early nonreoperative complications 26
                                                               •  Dysphagia
                                                               •  Heartburn
                                                               •  Chest pain
                                                               •  Fever
                                                               •  Epigastric pain
                                                               •  Weight loss.
            Fig. 12: Nontension-free repair with reinforcement of the crural closure
            using buttress mesh. A long strip of mesh is placed below the  Main reoperative complications 26
            esophagus, covering the pillar closure 22
                                                               •  Intraluminal mesh erosion
                                                               •  Esophageal stenosis
                                                               •  Dense fibrosis.


                                                               The most common mesh types used in different studies
                                                               were biomaterial then polytetrafluoroethylene and
                                                               polypropylene. Suture anchorage was the most common
                                                               fixation technique . The findings in different studies showed
                                                               on an average failure rate of 3%, a stricture rate of 0.2%,
                                                               and an erosion rate of 0.3%. Biomaterial tended to be
                                                               associated with failure, whereas nonabsorbable mesh tended
                                                               to be associated with stricture and erosion.
                                                                  On the basis of various studies, it appears that the
                                                               tension-free repair of large hiatal hernias (type II and III)
            Fig. 13: Nontension-free repair with reinforcement of the crural  with polypropylene–PTFE mesh is technically feasible and
            closure. Onlay mesh is placed around the esophagus once the defect
            has been closed 23,24                              easy to perform. The novelty represented by the new shape
                                                               of the mesh and the use of a composite material for this
                                                               region is encouraging.
               Placement of onlay mesh around the esophagus with a
            hole in the middle, once the defect has been closed, has   Follow-up period is too short in most of the present
            been used (Fig. 13). There are also pre-shaped meshes  literatures, but short-term functional results are promising.
            designed to adapt anatomically to the characteristics of the  Only long-term evaluation will allow judgment of the
            anatomic area. 23,24                               effectiveness of laparoscopic mesh repair in patients with
                                                               large hiatal hernias.
            REPAIR MATERIALS                                       Further studies are necessary to define which hiatal
                                                               defects canbe successfully treated with a simple cruroplasty
            The prostheses available for hiatal reinforcement are made  and which ones need a prosthetic reinforcement.
            of a range of materials. Most authors agree that the material
            used should be nonresorbable, because resorbable material  CONCLUSION
            (polyglycolic acid) loses its mechanical properties as it is
            resorbed. Nonresorbable material may be made of    Laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair using mesh resulted in a
            polypropylene, polytef, or composite (polytef plus  low recurrence rate 3,8,12-15  which appeared to be lower than
            polypropylene). Recently, surgisis a nonresorbable material  that obtained historically without mesh. Different mesh
            of biological origin has been used.  24            placement tecniques has their own merits and demerits.

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):85-90                                 89
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