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Amardeep Bhimrao Tembhare

          30 years ago, to the present day of 2 per 100 pregnancies  depending on the surgeon's skill, equipment availability, and
          (Hankins et al 1995, Lehner et al 2000). The Center for  condition of the patient (Braun et al 2005). Over the past
          Disease Control (CDC) reports that the incidence of ectopic  few decades, the management of ectopic pregnancy has
          pregnancies is 1 in 70 pregnancies (Hill et al 1993).  been revolutionized. This has resulted in the emergence of
              Further, an increased incidence of sexually transmitted  several nonsurgical options to what had once been thought
          infections, early diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease  to be a solely surgically treatable condition. An earlier
          resulting in tubal damage but not complete blockage,  diagnosis can be made with transvaginal (TVUS) ultrasound
          complications of infections, including therapeutic abortions,  and quantitative ß-hCG. This increases the chances of
          the wide clinical use of reconstructive tubal surgery,  success of medical treatment and minimizes the morbidity,
          exposure to diethylstilbestrol and the conservative surgical  mortality, and financial burden created by this health problem
          treatment of ectopic pregnancy, and the rise in the number  (Sawter et al 2001, Braun et al 2005). Nonsurgical
          of ectopic pregnancies resulting from assisted reproductive  management, like treatment with methotrexate has an
          technologies (ART) may account for the overall increase  established role in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy
          (Westrom et al 1991, Chungt et al 1992, Majumdar et al  (Grudzinskas et al 1999, RCOG 2004), but little data are
          1983, Wolf et al 1980, DeCherney et al 2008). The incidence  available on international scale.
          of tubal pregnancy after oocyte retrieval/embryo transfer  AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
          may be as high as 4.5%, although this may be due to already
          existing tubal pathology in these patients and not solely due  The aim of the review is to summarize the role of minimal
          to ART intervention. The incidence of heterotopic pregnancy  access surgery in the management of tubal pregnancy and
          is now believed to be about 1:4,000 in the general population  its management options, and further its effect on future
          and 1 to 3% in in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancies, much  pregnancy.
          higher than the originally described prevalence of 1:30,000  MATERIAL AND METHODS
          in the late 1940s (Symonds et al 1998, Seeber et al 2006).
              Critical review of the relative contributions of these  A literature search was performed using the search engines
          factors is pertinent. It is widely accepted that when  PubMed, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Google, HighWire press, and
          pregnancy occurs in a woman using an IUD, there is an  SpringerLink. Selected papers were taken for further
          increased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy. Indeed, the ratio  references. All articles, RCT (randomized controlled trial)
          of ectopic pregnancy to intrauterine pregnancy has been  following predominantly laparoscopic and open surgical
          reported to have increased sevenfold (Lehfold et al 1970,  protocol were included for review. The articles, also
          Vesset et al 1974, Mol et al 2008).                 reviewed on the elements like study of follow-up on
                                                              subsequent fertility explored in terms of intrauterine
          MANAGEMENT                                          pregnancy, recurrence of ectopic pregnancy and sterility
                                                              or cumulative intrauterine pregnancy rates, were
          For most tubal ectopic pregnancies (EP), surgery is the  comparable or superior to that of principle series treated
          treatment of choice. Whether surgical treatment should be  by laparotomy whether radical or conservative and using
          performed conservatively (salpingostomy) or radically  or not using microsurgical techniques. Also, comparision
          (salpingectomy), and also laparoscopically or by laparotomy  between the theurapeutic techniques (laparotomy or
          in women wishing to preserve their reproductive capacity,  laparoscopy) has been made in view of present and future
          it is subject to debate. Salpingostomy preserves the tube  pregnancy outcome.
          but bears the risks of both persistent trophoblast and repeat  The techniques evaluated during the review were:
          ipsilateral tubal EP. Salpingectomy avoids these risks, but  1. Laparoscopic
          leaves only one tube for reproductive capacity (Mol et al  •  Linear salpingotomy (tubal aspiration)
          2008).                                                    •  Salpingectomy
             In first trimester, ectopic pregnancy is the most      •  Fimbrial expression.
          important cause of maternal mortality and morbidity (Akbar  2.  Laparotomy.
          et al 2002). Prior to 1883, no woman ever underwent a
          deliberate and successful operation for a ruptured ectopic  LAPAROTOMY VERSUS LAPAROSCOPY
          pregnancy when Trait did it for the first time. Surgical  A number of early studies documented the appropriateness
          treatment may either be an open laparotomy or laparoscopy  of laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancies (Shapiro

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