Page 16 - World's Most Popular Laparoscopic Journal
P. 16

Abdulkareem Aldoseri

             Severe chronic pain following hernia repair is usually  58% of those experiencing pain indicated that their pain
          due to ischemia or neuropathy. Ischemia induced in  impaired specific activities. There was no correlation of
          musculofascial tissues by a repair done under tension is the  postoperative pain with the type of hernia or the method
          most common cause of undue postoperative pain. In this  used for repair.
          situation, the sutures slowly cut through the tissues relieving  These data need to be interpreted in terms of limitations
          the pain but setting the stage for recurrence. The other  of the study methodology. Self-reporting, especially of
          major cause of ischemia-induced pain is tight closure of  the severity of such a subjective matter as pain, is
          either the deep or superficial inguinal ring during repair.  confounded by variable perceptions of pain between
          Most often, ischemia in the ring is partly due to edema  patients, varying definitions of impairment, and similar
          following operative dissection, and resorption of edema  limitations. In essence, the severity data from this study
          postoperatively leads to gradual resolution of pain; rarely  are not completely reliable. And there was no evaluation
          does testicular atrophy supervene.                  by a physician, preferably a blinded one, of the patient's
             Neuropathy is widely recognized as a cause of chronic  complaints. I am not trying to denigrate the study, for it
          postoperative pain. It can be induced by nerve trauma during  reports important data and raises important questions. But
          dissection, neuroma formation after partial or complete  it does not provide final answers.
          transection, entrapment by sutures or by postoperative  This study suggests that something in the currently
          adhesions. The implantation of mesh, which induces scar  employed methods of groin hernia repair is associated with
          formation through increased inflammation, also has been  an increase in postoperative pain, and it provides a hypothesis
          suggested as a cause of neuropathic pain. 2         for future investigations. These provocative results should
                                                              stimulate additional effort and prospective clinical trials by
          DISCUSSION                                          the Danish Data Base group and others to elucidate the exact
                                                              causes in current surgical practices of postoperative groin
          More than a decade ago, it was true that chronic disabling
          pain was rare after hernia repair. It is also true that the  pain. Could it be that the major change in the technique of
          reported incidence of this problem has been increasing in  hernia repair that has evolved over the most recent two
          recent years,  although the reasons for this change are not  decades—the widespread use of implanted prosthetic mesh,
          entirely settled. It is important to know the true incidence  whether needed or not—is a cause? 5
          of chronic, disabling pain after hernia repair, so that patients  The overall incidence of chronic pain after herniorrhaphy
          can make an informed choice of whether or not to undergo  was 12% (18% in patients having open surgery [range
          repair and can receive an acceptable informed consent.  0-75.5%] and 6% in patients treated laparoscopicaly [range
          Generally, problems with an incidence of less than 1% are  1-16%]. The follow-up and method of pain assessment,
          thought not to need specific mention in discussing with  along with the study design and definition of chronic pain
          patients the potential complications of an operation.  varies to such a degree that these numbers should be
             The report from the Danish Hernia Data Base group 4  interpreted cautiously. No final conclusion should be made
          suggests that in current practice the incidence of chronic  regarding the exact incidence of chronic groin pain in relation
          pain, a year after groin hernia repair, may be approximately  to the type of surgery.
          29%. This number is unexpectedly high, and certainly will  Single center trials of less than 300 patients generally
          gain the attention of all surgeons who repair hernias. It is  reported lower rates of chronic pain compared with larger
          important to know if the incidence is truly so high, and if  studies except for one study. None of the studies that used
          so, to learn what causes the pain. If the incidence truly  an objective pain measurement, for instance a VAS for pain
          exceeds one percent then pain will need to be specifically  assessment, found an incidence below 5%. A study of 400
          mentioned in preoperative discussions with patients.  patients found an incidence of moderate or severe pain
             The Danish report is based on two questionnaires mailed  of 2% after laparoscopy compared with 10% after open
          1 year postoperatively to 1,443 patients having hernia repair  surgery, but the follow-up rate was only 61%. A
          during 2 months period in 1998. More than 80% of patients  comparative study between total extraperitoneal (TEP) and
          responded to each questionnaire. The first time around,  open mesh herniorrhaphy using a retrospective questionnaire
          patients were asked whether they had pain or not; 29% said  in 560 patients showed that after a mean follow-up period
          they had pain and 11% indicated that their pain was disabling  of 21 months, 22.5% of laparoscopic patients had pain/
          to some degree. The second questionnaire was sent to those  discomfort compared with 38.3% of those treated by open
          reporting pain asking about specific pain characteristics;  mesh repair. 6

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