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Abdulkareem Aldoseri

          diagnosis of the involved nerve. Magnetic resonance  investigators had, that previous mesh repair did not
          neurography was helpful in few cases of this series pain  predispose patients to neuropathic pain.
          related to neuropraxia, which may last for upto 6 months  In addition, we suggest the following measures:
          postoperatively and is usually self-limiting and does not  Resecting the genital nerve from the same anterior
          require surgical intervention. Surgery is required, however,  approach to avoid a second-stage operation through the
          for per neural fibrosis; nerve entrapment by suture, staple,  flank and the possibility of an associated lumbar incisional
          or prosthetic device; and neuroma formation as a result of  hernia.
          axonotmesis, neurotmesis, or complete nerve transection.  Implanting the ligated proximal ends of the ilioinguinal
             Central and peripheral communication, and frequent  and iliohypogastric nerves within the fibers of the internal
          multiple nerve involvement can make it extremely difficult,  oblique muscle, and allowing proximal cut ends of the genital
          if not impossible, to discern which nerve is involved.  nerve to retract into the internal ring. This step prevents the
          Therefore, surgical treatment of post herniorrhaphy  cut ends of the nerves from adhering (via scarification) to
          neuralgia should not be limited to a grossly involved nerve,  the inguinal ligament and/or external oblique aponeurosis,
          but should address all 3 nerves. Furthermore, the triggering  which subjects the nerve to traction on walking or moving
          or aggravation of the neuropathic pain complex by walking  the hip joint and once again sets the stage for postoperative
          or hyperextension of the hip and its alleviation by  neuralgia.
          recumbency and flexion of the thigh suggests that traction  Resecting and submitting any tissue fibers resembling a
          of the involved nerve due to its adherence to the aponeurotic  nerve as well as grossly evident nerve trunks for histologic
          tissue of the groin plays a major role in postherniorrhaphy  verification to ensure that the resected specimens are neural
          pain syndrome.                                      tissues. With exploration and experience, intraoperative
             The surgical treatment of postherniorrhaphy neuralgia  frozen section may not be necessary, although it can be
          should include the insertion of the proximal cut ends under  helpful.
          the internal oblique muscle fibers to avoid recurrent neuralgia
          triggered by adherence of the cut ends of the resected nerves  CONCLUSION
          to the aponeurotic elements of the groin. Surgical treatment  Still there is no enough data to support superiority of laparo-
          for periosteal reaction or osteitis pubis consists of removing  scopic mesh repair over conventional open mesh repair
          suture materials, staples, bulky suture knots, and bulk-  regarding postinguinal hernia surgery pain. But it is superior
          forming or wadded mesh material from the inguinal region.  regarding wound infection and early return to work.
          Injection of 80 mg of methylprednisolone acetate under direct
          vision during the operative procedure may also be helpful.  REFERENCES
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