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P. 11

Fabio Sansonna et al

          Entamoeba histolytica was absent in stool. Consequently,  to 12 gr/dl and hematocrit level to 36%. We excluded
          no infectious disease was found and the cause of jaundice  surgical primary repair because of the high risks related to
          remained unexplained. Endoscopic percutaneous       possible misinterpretation of anatomy after three weeks of
          cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with endoscopic     local inflammation. Further intermittent episodes of melena
          papillotomy had definitely ruled out obstruction of the biliary  occurred in the following days with hemodynamic stability
          tree while laboratory tests confirmed the persistence of  and minimal decrease of Hb and Ht levels. White blood cells
          nonconjugated bilirubin values comprised between 3 and  count was 11.000/mmc, alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
          3.5 mg/dl, insofar as her jaundice was attributed to Gilbert's  level lowered to 192 U/L and aspartate aminotrasferase to
          disease. Besides, she became asymptomatic in a fortnight  141 U/L while the total bilirubin level raised to 12 mg/dl
          and was discharged. Elective LC was scheduled, but another  with 2.6 mg/dl of nonconjugated bilirubin. Since the patient
          20 days later she complained again of abdominal pain in the  persisted stability in her hemodynamic parameters without
          upper right quadrant and was admitted to our surgical unit  fever or abdominal pain and tenderness, we planned to
          where we decided to perform LC in emergency. Because  perform angiography only in case of rebleeding, so much
          the walls of gallbladder were thick and cohesive, dissection  more because CT had not shown any arterial blushing which
          by monopolar coagulation from liver bed was demanding  could make angiograhpy inconclusive. The patient
          and took longer time than usual, although no intraoperative  underwent ERCP that demonstrated a biliary leak in the
          complication occurred. After excision of the gallbladder,  gallbladder bed at the level of biliary branch for the V
          an intraoperative cholangiography was carried out by  segment, therefore a nasobiliary drainage (NBD) was placed.
          laparoscopy confirming the complete patency and normality  Two days later occurred another episode of severe melena
          of the biliary tree, and the absence of stones in bile ducts.  with hemodynamic instability, hence transfemoral
          The early postoperative course of operation was uneventful  angiography was performed revealing the presence of
          and the patient was discharged five days after surgery. The  pseudoaneurysm sized 2 cm sited on a replaced RHA with
          histologic examination was consistent with acute    extravasation between the V and VIII segmental branches
          inflammation arisen in the context of lithiasis chronic  (Figs 1A and B) RHA was an arterial branch arising from
          cholecystitis. Oral feeding continued at home, the patient  the superior mesenteric artery; TAE was achieved by filling
          remained asymptomatic for two weeks until she referred a  the entire artery and pseudoaneurysm with coils of 3 and 4
          mild epigastric pain irradiated to the right quadrant, although  mm (Fig. 2). The patient had an uneventful clinical course
          she did not see a doctor. One week later she experienced  without rebleeding, NBD was removed and she started oral
          sudden hypotension with melena and was admitted to our  intake. CT scan proved revascularization of the right hepatic
          emergency service. Blood pressure was 100/60 mm Hg,  arterial branches with no ischemia of right liver lobe. The
          pulse rating was 86 beats/minute, hemoglobin level was  patient was discharged two weeks later with no impairment
          8 gr/dl, hematocrit level 23%, white blood count was  of liver function tests and a magnetic resonance
          9.700/mmc, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level was  cholangiography showed a normal biliary tree.
          increased to 838 U/L (normal values 3-45), aspartate
          aminotransferase (AST) level was elevated to 190 U/L  DISCUSSION
          (normal values 0-40), alkaline phosphatase level was within
          the normal ranges of 35 to 129 U/L, coagulation tests and  The case, herein presented of LC-related hemobilia, has
          platelets were normal, total bilirubin level was 3.5mg/dl.  been the only one we have registered over the last 10 years
          Digestive endoscopy showed the presence of blood in the  accounting for 0.001% of patients with acute cholecystitis
          upper gastrointestinal tract without evidence of ulcers or  operated on in emergency (within 72 hours of admission)
          other diseases causing bleeding from stomach or duodenum.  and including elective surgery accounting for 0.0003% of
          Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed a small   all the patients undergoing LC over the same span. Hemobilia
          hematoma of 3 cm in the gallbladder bed with no     complicating LC has become a well-known serious event
          hemoperitoneum or any other peritoneal fluid collection and  reported in a plenty of issues. The onset of symptoms and
          iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm of RHA beside titanium clips  signs is within four weeks from LC in 80% of cases,  and
          sized 4 mm without arterial blushing. Resuscitation with  only in three cases this complication has occurred one year
          transfusional support (3 units of packed red blood cells)  after surgery or even later. 12,19,21  Upper gastrointestinal
          allowed the patient to reach hemodynamic stability then she  bleeding with melena is the commonest sign of hemobilia
          was sent to our surgical ward. Hemoglobin level increased  and observed in 90% of cases whereas abdominal pain is

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