Page 43 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic Ureterolysis without Omentoplasty
In an average follow-up period of 31.2 months (25–63), all Even though this report is a retrospective study and the number
patients are asymptomatic, with an average creatinine of 1.52 of cases is low, it shows that LUWI without omentoplasty is feasible
(0.9–2.1) with a renal scintigraphy without an obstructive pattern. with good results in the medium-term follow-up.
No patients required neither corticosteroid therapy nor dialysis
after surgery. conclusIon
Laparoscopic ureterolysis with intraperitonealization without
dIscussIon omentoplasty is a safe and feasible surgical option and provides
Obstructive uropathy related to IRF is an uncommon but severe good results in medium-term, follow-up in patients, with IRF as we
disease that may cause renal loss with dialysis requirement. Prompt described in our case series.
diagnosis and appropriate treatment may prevent terminal kidney
disease. However, there is no standardized treatment. 3,4 references
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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 3 (September–December 2019) 129