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                                             Cholecystoduodenal Fistula is not the Contraindication for Laparoscopic Surgery
          Contraindication for Laparoscopic Procedure         laparoscopically with closure of the cholecystoduodenal
                                                              fistula. In the risky patient, staged laparoscopic management
          The Mirizzi syndrome refers to common hepatic duct
          obstruction caused by an extrinsic compression from an  of gallstone ileus and the associated cholecystoduodenal
          impacted stone in the cystic duct. It is often not recognized  fistula is feasible and seems to be safe. In high risk cases,
          preoperatively, which can lead to significant morbidity and  imaging of the biliary tree is must to detect silent
          biliary injury, biliary leakage and biliary peritonitis due to  choledocholithiasis, which also can be managed along with
          distorted anatomy in laparoscopic surgery.          and safely by the laparoscopic and endoscopic approach. 14
                                                                 In a series of 300 laparoscopic cholecystectomies, the
          RESULTS                                             authors encountered five cholecystoduodenal fistulae. It was
                                                              possible to manage four fistulae laparoscopically. Two
          In 1991, Miguel Velez et al (surgical endoscopy) reported a  patients underwent a laparotomy, one for a failed
          case of successful laparoscopic repair of cholecystoduodenal
          fistula incidentally noticed in cholecystectomy. 2  laparoscopic repair of cholecystoduodenal fistula and the
             In 1999, Yashimota et al performed the laparoscopic  other for several common bile duct (CBD) stones, which
          surgery of cholecystoduodenal fistula and cholelithiasis.  could not be removed laparoscopically via the cystic duct.
          With the use of a flexible HD video scope, flexible retractor  Most cases of cholecystoduodenal fistula could be dealt
          and endoscopic transecting stapler, laparoscopic treatment  with increasing expertise and improved instrumentation.
          of cholecystoenteric fistulae was performed. 15        In 2007, Maciej et al conducted a study in which
             In 2000, Scott et al treated two middle aged women  56-year-old woman with past history of 20 years colic pain
          having acute exacerbations of chronic gallbladder disease  in right hypochondriac region diagnosed as case of
          with laparoscopic surgery. A cholecystoduodenal fistula  cholelithiasis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was initiated,
          diagnosed intraoperatively in each case. These fistulae were  but following the diagnosis of cholecystoduodenal fistulas,
          repaired laparoscopically using an endoscopic stapling device  it was converted to an open cholecystectomy, postoperative
          without complication. Each patient did well postoperatively  recovery was without complication. Cholangiography
          and was discharged on the second postoperative day in  performed one week after surgery showed residual
          good condition. 10                                  choledocholithiasis. 13
             In 2001, Moreno et al conducted study on laparoscopic  In 2006, Chowbey et al study was conducted to assess
          biliary pathology from 1992 to 1999 (191 emergency and  the use of different suturing modes. The operation could be
          877 elective surgeries). A total of 302 cases (28%) were of  completed laparoscopically in 59 patients. An endostapler
          complicated biliary pathology; out of these they reported  was used in 47 patients to transect the fistula and in
          14 cholecystoduodenal fistulae, three cholecystocolonic  12 patients the defect in the bowel was repaired with
          fistulae and two cholecystogastric fistulae. Only in five  intracorporeal sutures. The mean postoperative hospital stay
          patients with cholecystoduodenal fistula, the operation was  was 5.2 days. All the patients are asymptomatic at a mean
          successfully completed by laparoscopy. Conversion to open  follow-up of 2.4 years. 12
          surgery was because of bleeding (5 cases), difficulty for  In 2010, Azra lactic et al reported five cases of CCDF
          colon suture (2 cases) and inflammation of the gallbladder  diagnosed intraoperatively, managed successfully by
          with the duodenum (7 cases). An endo-GIA 35 was used  laparoscopic approach. During the 3-year period, from 2007
          to transect the fistula. All patients were discharged after 4  to 2009, 1500 patients underwent laproscopic chole-
          or 5 days without wound infection, and they have been  cystectomy for gallstone disease, only five of them (3.3%),
          evaluated at 3 and 12 months without problems. 5    who presented with routine symptoms of symptomatic
              In 2006, Chikamori et al (Japan) reported a case of  cholelithiasis,  intraoperatively CCDF were found.
          cholecystocholedocholithiasis with cholecystoduodenal  Laparoscopic surgery was performed using the standard
          fistula diagnosed preoperatively and treated with a combined  three trocars technique. All patients were females, 67 years
          approach endoscopic sphincterectomy for the multiple CBD  old on average. In three cases, CCDF was completely
          stones and laparoscopic cholecystectomy and         mobilized with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection
          cholecystofistulectomy with the help of endoscopic linear  and divided using the endolinear stapling device. In the other
          stapling devices for the fistula closure. They concluded that  two cases after division of the cystic duct and artery, the
          laparoscopic cholecystofistulectomy by skilled laparoscopic  gallbladder was dissected from the liver bed, leaving just
          surgeons can be adopted as a first-choice treatment for  the fistulous connection to the duodenum. Then division of
          cholecystoduodenal fistula. 11                      the fistula was completed using the same stapling device.
             1n 2003, El Dhuwaib et al conducted study on gallstone  All five patients had uneventful postoperative course. The
          ileus and small bowel obstruction in elderly women. The  hospital stay of five patients ranged from 5 to 10 days
          enterolithotomy and cholecystectomy have been peformed  (median 6 days). 4

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2011;4(1):41-46                              45
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