Page 38 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 38

Sanjeev Kumar Sareen

             Define gallbladder/cystic duct junction—surgical  the operative procedure including the decision to operate,
          dissection of cystic duct and cystic artery should begin  the best intervention, abdominal entry, dealing with common
          adjacent to or near the point of origin of cystic duct or near  ductstones, proper careful dissection over the
          point of entry of the vessel. Identification of cystic lymph  cholecystodudenal fistula area for the separation from
          node as a landmark to define cystic duct and cystic artery.  duodenum, intraoperative cholangiography, exposure of the
          Calot’s triangle—Dissection in Calot’s triangle should be  biliary anatomy, avoidance of bleeding or common duct
          performed after identifying gallbladder/cystic duct junction.  injury, spilled stones and postoperative bile collection. One
          The tip of the curved dissector should be facing    should emphasize on prevention and management of
          anterolaterally towards the gallbladder to avoid the injury to  inadvertent injuries. The difficulty of laparoscopic
          the liver or the CBD while dissecting the Calot’s triangle. 20  cholecystectomy or the risk of conversion to open
             Proper localization of common bile duct should be done  cholecystectomy can be predicted by assessing some
          during surgery by retracting the duodenum downwards,  preoperative variables.  The authors evaluated the efficacy
          retracting the right lobe of liver with proper traction to the  of the risk score for conversion from laparoscopic to open
          Hartmann’s pouch keeping in mind the plane of Rouviere’s  cholecystectomy (RSCLO), which was recently developed
          sulcus.                                             by Kama et al (Am J Surg 2001;181:520). Safe dissection
             Maintain the plane of dissection in the cholecystic plate  is the key to complete laparoscopic cholecystectomy
          while removing the gallbladder from the liver. Dissection  successfully. Minimal use of electrocautery in Calot’s triangle
          deeper in this plane may cause injury to the liver and cause  should be advocated. Adherence to the basic protocol of
          troublesome bleeding while dissection superficial to this  surgery and progressing step by step while following the
          plane may cause perforation of the gallbladder and spillage  landmarks of hepatobiliary anatomy. If the injury is detected
          of bile. Cholecystoduodenal fistula can be completely  intraoperatively and the necessary facilities with expert
          mobilized with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection  surgical team are available, then repair should be done in
          and divided using the endolinear stapling device for the fistula  the same operation or put stent by ERCP in postoperative
          closure. These fistulae were repaired laparoscopically using  period.
          an endo-GIA 35 endoscopic stapling device. The endostapler
          can be used in few cases to transect the fistula and in other  Risk Factors
          cases, the defect in the bowel can be repaired with  The review by Strasburg et al in 1995 of approximately
          intracorporeal sutures. In the other way, after division of  124000 laparoscopic cholecystectomy reported in literature
          the cystic duct and artery, the gallbladder was dissected  found the incidence of major bile duct injuries to 0.5%. In
          from the liver bed, leaving just the fistulous connection to  1995, Strasberg and Soper modified the Bismuth
          the duodenum. Then division of the fistula was completed  classification of bile duct injury. Bile duct injury is the most
          using the same stapling device. The placement of additional  catastrophic event that can happen to a patient undergoing
          trocar, frequent irrigation and suction, use of suction canula  surgery leaving the patient with high morbidity. In 1991,
          for dissection, use of gauze piece in case of minor bleed  surgeons of French society of endoscopic and operative
          and adequate traction on the infundibulum of gallbladder to  radiology reported 101 postoperative complications by
          display structures in the Calot’s triangle are useful aids to  laparoscopic surgery (morbidity 3.2%) 42 biliary and
          dissection. Every effort should be made to avoid the spillage  59 nonbiliary, 18 bile duct injuries and six deaths (0.2%)
          of bile into the peritoneal cavity as this will increase the  reported out of 2955 laparoscopic cholecystectomies.  The
          incidence of postoperative infection, abscess formation and  duodenal injuries, gastric injuries, colonic injuries, vascular
          also make the incidental stage 1 carcinoma into stage 4.  injuries are very common. One should be very careful in
          The better outcome has been reported with the use of  such cases with complicated gallstone disease to avoid any
          harmonic scalpel and fundus first technique in the recent  disastrous complication which can result in biliary cripples.
                                                              Complications of the Disease
          INTRAOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS, RISK                  Peptic duodenal perforation ulceration is the common cause
          FACTORS AND PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID                    for the upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which will affect
                                                              the duodenal bulb. Bouveret´s syndrome is a rare entity
          All surgeons will encounter difficult cholecystectomies in  consisting in a duodenal obstruction due to the passage of
          their lifetime. Many cumbersome situations can be prevented  gallstones from the gallbladder (gallstone ileus) to the
          or made easier by the cautious surgeon who has a carefully  duodenum through a cholecystoduodenal or cholecysto-
          thought-out plan for each potential problem. One should  gastric fistula. Associated cases of Mirizzi syndrome with
          proceed very slowly to counter the challenges that may be  cholecystoduodenal fistula will lead to biliary leakage and
          faced in beginning with diagnosis and continuing through  biliary peritonitis and septicemia.

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