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Chigurupathi Venkata Pavan Kumar
          Contd.                                               7. Raman JD, Bensalah K, Bagrodia A, Stern JM, Cadeddu JA.
           Potential solutions                                    Laboratory and clinical development of single keyhole umbilical
           •  Design of innovative retracting platforms           nephrectomy. Urology 2007;70:1039-42.
           •  Implementation of magnetically anchored instruments deployed  8. Rivas H, Varela E, Scott D. As smooth as SILC: Single incision
             through a single incision                            laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Society of Gastro-intestinal
           •  Implementation of robotic platforms
           •  Design of sigmoid-shaped instruments                Endoscopic Surgeons, Annual Congress, Emerging Technologies,
           •  Additional basic surgical principles                Philadelphia, PA 2008.
           •  Sound surgical judgment                          9. Rivas H, Rivas R, Vargas R, Rivas H. Single umbilical incision
           •  Maintenance of equivalent operative exposure        totally laparoscopic hysterectomy. Society of Gastrointestinal
           •  Low threshold for the use of additional ports at the initial  Endoscopic Surgeons, Annual Congress, Emerging Technologies,
             incision site or                                     Philadelphia, PA 2008.
           •  Prompt conversion to conventional laparoscopy or to open  10. Castellucci SA, Curcillo PG, Ginsberg PC, Saba SC, Jaffe JS,
                                                                  Harmon JD. Single-port access adrenalectomy. J Endourol
             The table shows commonly encountered problems in  11. Cuesta MA, Berends F, Veenhof AA. The invisible cholecystec-
          SPA surgery (see Table 2).                              tomy: A transumbilical laparoscopic operation without a scar.
             Different types of instruments for laparoscopic surgery  Surg Endosc 2008;22:1211-13.
          have to be developed like retractors, dissection and  12. Afthinos JN, Forrester GJ, Binenbaum SJ, Harvey EJ, Kim
                                                                  GJ, Teixeira JA. Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy
          laparoscopic cameras to make the surgeon more efficient.  using flexible endoscopy: Saline infiltration gallbladder fossa
          As we lead into the next phase of minimal access surgery,  dissection technique. Surg. Endosc. Epub ahead of print 19
          we need to develop procedures, instruments and ports easily  March 2009.
          available and affordable so that they can be used for large  13. Tacchino R, Greco F,Matera D. Single incision laparoscopic
          volume of patients.                                     cholecystectomy: Surgery without a visible scar. Surg Endosc
                                                              14. Tracy CR, Raman JD, Cadeddu JA, Rane A. Laparoendoscopic
          CONCLUSION                                              single site surgery in urology: Where have we been and where are
                                                                  we heading? Nat Clin Pract Urol 2008;5:561-68.
          After review of all the articles and many studies we still  15. Hodgett SE, Hernandez JM, Morton CA, Ross SB, Albrink M,
          cannot come to the conclusion about the best port available  Rosemurgy AS (2009). Laparoendoscopic single site (LESS)
          in single incision laparoscopy. The different single incision  cholecystectomy. J Gastrointest Surg. 13:188-192 Epub 22
                                                                  November 2008.
          laparoscopy ports have different features from one another.  16. Zhu JF. Scarless endoscopic surgery: NOTES or TUES. Surg
          Each one has its own unique features. So, the choice of  Endosc 2007;21:1898-99.
          single incision laparoscopy port depends on surgeon,  17. Elazary R, Khalaileh A, Zamir G, Har-Lev M, Almogy G,
          availability and cost factor. To ascertain which port is better,  Rivkind AI, Mintz Y. Single-trocar cholecystectomy using a
          we need to do further studies and research. Whatever might  flexible endoscope and articulating laparoscopic instruments: A
                                                                  bridge to NOTES or the final form? SurgEndosc 23:969-72 Epub
          be the choice of the port, the surgical procedure and patients  1 January 2009
          should not be comprised.                            18. Abe N, Takeuchi H, Ueki H, Yanagida O, Masaki T, Mori T,
                                                                  Sugiyama M, Atomi Y. Single-port endoscopic cholecystectomy:
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