Page 37 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                                                          The Role of Mechanical Bowel Preparation in Gynecologic Laparoscopy

          intravenous antibiotics will likely give the best results, though  Mechanical Bowel Preparations in
          timing of oral antibiotics remains unclear. Confounding the issue  Gynecologic Laparoscopy
          further, oral antibiotic preparation has not been studied in  Although the majority of the evidence regarding bowel
          isolation from mechanical bowel preparation.
                                                              preparations is found in colorectal surgery literature, studies
          Mechanical Bowel Preparations: Controversy          have also been performed specifically targeting a gynecologic
          From General Surgery Literature                     population. With regard to gynecologic laparoscopy in
                                                              particular, one proposed role for bowel preparation includes
          Since, first proposed by Sir William Halsted in 1887, the use of  cases where bowel resection is planned or thought to be high
          some form of mechanical bowel preparation to decrease  risk for inadvertent bowel injury (e.g. severe adhesive disease,
          infectious complications and anastomotic breakdown in elective  endometriosis, previously irradiated operative field,
          colorectal surgery has been considered surgical dogma. 9  malignancy). Bowel injury is a rare complication of laparoscopy;
          Benefits of decreased fecal content of the bowel were thought  the incidence has been reported at 0.13% by a 2004 literature
          to include minimized bacterial contamination, decreased passage  review.  Compounding this fact that only a limited number of
          of hard stool over newly formed anastomotic sites and  gynecologic cases that will result in bowel injury, the data from
          facilitation of intraoperative bowel manipulation.  Initial data  colorectal surgery support abandoning routine mechanical
          supporting this practice were mainly observational; it was not  bowel preparation.
          until the 1970s that this practice was called into question when  In addition, it has been proposed that clearing of bowel
          a randomized trial demonstrated no benefit of mechanical bowel  contents may aid in visualization and handling of intestines
          preparation with regard to wound infection, peritonitis or death  during laparoscopic surgery. In a randomized trial, Muzii et al
          when used in elective colorectal surgery.  Data from emergency  studied the effects of bowel preparation with oral sodium
          colorectal surgery in the 1980s further supported the view of  phosphate solution in patients undergoing laparoscopy for
          bowel preparation as unnecessary. Traditionally, emergency  benign gynecologic indication; the authors did not find any
          surgery on unprepared bowel was treated with a diverting  advantage regarding preparation of surgical field, operative time,
          colostomy, extensive resection of ascending colon and/or  intra or postoperative complications or length of stay. 19
          intraoperative colonic lavage. Observations from emergency  Conversely, the mechanical bowel preparation group reported
          left-sided colorectal surgery, often performed due to  significantly greater preoperative discomfort. Another
          obstructions caused by malignancy, supported the safety of  randomized study compared mechanical bowel preparation to a
          primary anastomosis in these settings.  Further randomized  7-day minimal residue diet in patients undergoing laparoscopy
          trials in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery                     20
          suggested increased morbidity when mechanical bowel  for benign gynecologic disease.  The precolonoscopy, low-
                                                              residue diet demonstrated minimal colonic fecal residue and
          preparation was used, including increased postoperative
          infections, extraabdominal complications and longer hospital  may potentially decrease colonic gaseous distension. In the
                                                              study mentioned, both groups were found to have similar
          stays.  Suggested mechanisms for the increased infectious
          morbidity associated with mechanical bowel preparations  surgical field exposure; however, the low-fiber diet was better
          include enhanced bacterial translocation across the lumen and  tolerated.
          increased bowel inflammation. 13-15  It has also been reported  SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION
          that inadequate mechanical bowel preparation results in higher
          incidence of liquid bowel content with a corresponding increase  An emerging body of evidence suggests lack of benefit—and
          in peritoneal spillage intraoperatively.  The 2009 updated  potential for harm—with routine use of mechanical bowel
          Cochrane review concluded that prophylactic mechanical bowel  preparation in colorectal surgery. Despite a paucity of
          preparations have no proven benefit and should be abandoned  literature specific to gynecologic surgery, it is reasonable to
          in most cases.  Potential situations where bowel preparations  extrapolate from the general surgery data a recommendation
          may remain useful include those wherein an intraoperative  against mechanical bowel preparation for the indication of
          colonoscopy is performed. The Cochrane review further  decreasing infectious complications related to bowel injury or
          comments that future research on this topic is needed,  resection.  Antibiotic bowel preparation, however, has been
          specifically with well-designed trials that include allocation  proven beneficial in colorectal surgery and can reasonably
          concealment, stratification of colon versus rectal surgery,  be used in complicated gynecologic cases at high risk for
          comments on history of radiation and inclusion of laparoscopic  bowel involvement. A caveat to this recommendation is the
          surgery. Despite the large pool of data supporting the omission  importance of understanding the clinical practices of consulting
          of mechanical bowel preparations and changing guidelines,  colorectal surgeons at individual institutions. Should an
          clinical practice has been slow to change; a 2005 survey of  unexpected bowel injury occur in a patient who did not undergo
          Northern European surgeons found that between 50 and 95%  preoperative mechanical bowel preparation and who requires
          continue to use preoperative bowel preparation. 17  the services of a surgical consultant to assist with repair? The

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2011;4(3):166-168                       167
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