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                                                      Tack Sinus: A New Complication of Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair

          tacks has its own disadvantages. Acute problems that occur  pain, mesh migration, hernia, etc. As more and more LVHRs
          with nonabsorbable tacks may be related to patient  are done these complications are being reported, and one
          characteristics such as morbid obesity, to difficulty getting  needs to be aware of these in order to tackle them rightly or
          the tack to penetrate and secure the mesh adequately and  better still avoid them. Newer technologies may help
          various device malfunctions. 10                     manufacture better configured and bioabsorbable tacks.
             Tacks are known to cause pain like transfacial sutures.
          Even though a permanent metal tack is not reactive in the  REFERENCES
          sense of causing allergy there is still inflammation around  1. McGreevy JM, Goodney PP, Birkmeyer CM, Finlayson SRG,
          it and inflammation near a nerve running through a muscle  Laycock WS, Birkmeyer JD. A prospective study comparing
          causes pain that can be quite disabling  similar pain can be  the complication rates between laparoscopic and open ventral
                                                                  hernia repairs. Surg Endosc 2003;17:1778-80.
          noted with absorbable tacks but its absorption will decrease  2. Sajid MS, Bokhari SA, Mallick AS, Cheek E, Baig MK.
          the pain to a considerable limit. The only issue of concern,  Laparoscopic versus open repair of incisional/ventral hernia: A
          however, with absorbable tacks was the over all strength of  meta-analysis. Am J Surg 2008;197:64-72.
          attachment to abdominal wall. Recurrence of hernia   3. Morales-Conde S, Cadet H, Cano H, Bustos M, Martin J,
          with only the use of tacks is higher when compared to   Morales-Mendez S. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair without
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          Hence, suture fixation was stronger than tacks alone. 8  90(3 Suppl):S56-62.
             Two incidences of tack site hernia have been reported.  4. Wassenaar EB, Raymakers JTFJ, Rakic S. Impact of the mesh
          The hernial defect was seen between the sutures rather than  fixation technique on operation time in laparoscopic repair of
          the site of suture evidently showing that tacks were    ventral hernias. Hernia 2008;12:23-25.
          responsible for the same.  Seroma formation is a common  5. Wassenaar E, Schoenmaeckers E, Raymakers J,
                                                                  van der Palen J, Rakic S. Mesh-fixation method and pain and
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             Migration of tacks can occur if not appropriately placed  repair: A randomized trial of three fixation techniques. Surg
          and they can drop into the peritoneal cavity and serve as  Endosc 2010;24:1296-1302.
          lead points causing small bowel obstruction at any point in  6. LeBlanc KA. Tack hernia: A new entity. JSLS 2003;7:
          the near or distant future.  The length of these helical tacks  7. Koehler RH, Voeller G. Recurrences in laparoscopic incisional
          is 4 mm and width is approximately 3 mm. This penetrates  hernia repairs: A personal series and review of the Literature.
          approximately 3 to 4 mm into these tissues.             JSLS 1999;3:293-304.
             We, however, encountered a case of migration of tacks,  8. LeBlanc KA. Incisional and ventral hernia repair. Controversies
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          not a case of drop into the peritoneal cavity, but migration  9. Park A, Gagner M, Pomp A. Laparoscopic repair of large
          to the anterior abdominal wall forming multiple sinus tracts.  incisinal hernias. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1996;6:123-28.
          This discovery of tacks migrating anteriorly toward the  10. Gillian GK, Bell R, Kroh M. Advances in absorbable fixation
          abdominal wall is a completely new finding. Our patient  devices for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. General Surgery
          had an obese abdomen and a thin anterior abdominal wall  News 2009 June;36:05.
          was not encountered to give these tacks an easy way out.
          Two of these sinuses had spiral tracks along with which a  ABOUT THE AUTHORS
          part of the mesh was also protruding. The fact that these  Bharati Vishwanath Hiremath
          tacks were placed in between prolene sutures makes it
          unlikely that the latter was responsible for migration of these  Professor, Department of General Surgery, MS Ramaiah Medical
                                                              College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, e-mail:
          tacks. Is it possible that the spiral design helps propel the
          tack every time there is a sudden rise in inraperitoneal  Bharathi Rajasridhar
          pressure? And due to their nonabsorbable nature is it
          possible that migration of these tacks may occur years later?  Postgraduate Student (Final Year), Department of General Surgery
                                                              MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

          CONCLUSION                                          Gotam Pipara
          Tacks are a convenient and quick way of fixing a mesh in  Postgraduate Student (First Year), Department of General Surgery
          LVHR. However, their use has it’s own complications like  MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2012;5(2):105-107                              107
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