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               Review of Various Aspects of Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass to Emphasize its Significance in Bariatric Surgery

          HISTORY                                             experienced a greater incidence of late complications
                                                              (p < 0.05), reoperations (p < 0.04), less weight loss
          In 1954, Kremen et al performed the first intestinal bypass
          via jejunoileostomy, and in 1956, Payne and DeWind  (p < 0.001) and decreased overall satisfaction (p < 0.006).
          performed a distal jejunocolonic anastomosis. Later it was  Likewise, patients who underwent LRYGB had a greater
          modified by Sherman et al, who sutured 14 inches of  resolution of concomitant diabetes mellitus (p < 0.05) and
          proximal jejunum end-to-side to the terminal ileum, 4 inches  sleep apnea (p < 0.01) compared with the LAGB group.
          proximal to the ileocecal valve. Mason and Ito devised a  Furthermore, postoperative adjustments to achieve
          gastric bypass procedure for morbid obesity in 1966, after  consistent weight loss for LAGB recipients ranged from
          noting the weight reduction in gastric resection for gastric  1 to 15 manipulations. Single mortality was also in this
          ulcer. Initially, they transected the stomach horizontally and  LAGB group.  In one another study, LAGB is found
          performed a loop gastrojejunostomy to the proximal portion  significantly associated with more late complications,
          of the stomach. Over several decades, the gastric bypass  reoperations, less weight loss, less reduction of medical
          has been modified into its current form, using a Roux-en-Y  comorbidity and patient dissatisfaction compared with
          limb of intestine (RYGBP). In 1994, Wittgrove, Clark and  LRYGB.
          Tremblay reported the first case series of laparoscopic  The following table shows the outcome of different types
          RYGBP.  10                                          of bariatric operations (Table 1).
                                                              RYGBP IS SAFE AS WELL AS
                                                              EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE
          In LRYGBP procedure, six small incisions are made,  The LRYGB has been shown to be safe and effective for
          through which ports are inserted for abdominal access.  the non superobese patient (BMI < 50) by Wittgrove et al. 16
          Dissection is started at the fundus of stomach with division  Using same techniques, Nguyen et al were able to perform
          of phrenico-gastric ligament. The stomach is divided with  RYGBP on a patient with a BMI of 61.  Higa et al (2000)
          laparoscopic straight four row cutting 60 mm stapler to  studied a case series of 400 morbidly obese and superobese
          create a 15 to 20 cc pouch. The ligament of Treitz is  individuals who underwent the LRYGB over a 22-month
          identified initially, and the proximal jejunum is divided  period. They observed that RYGBP can be safely and
          approximately 50 cm distal to this point. A gastrojejunos-  effectively performed in the community setting using
          tomy is performed either hand sutured, linear staplers or by  advanced laparoscopic techniques. 18
          circular staplers. A jejunojejunostomy is performed
          with laparoscopic staplers. A Roux limb of between 75 and  LRYGP IS A REDO PROCEDURE FOR FAILED
          200 cm is formed depending on the BMI, and the      RESTRICTIVE GASTRIC SURGERY
          jejunojejunal mesenteric defect is closed to avoid  From the conclusion based on the various text, it can be
          postoperative internal hernias. The Roux limb is placed in  assumed that restrictive surgery for morbidly obesity will
          an antecolic fashion. The anastomosis is tested by  certainly require many reoperations in the future. The
          gastroscopy for evidence of any leak after the procedure.  standard operation of choice is LRYGBP. The study
                                                              conducted by Van Dessel et al (2006), has shown this
          COMPARISON OF LRYGBP WITH OTHER                     procedure a higher, but not significantly early morbidity
          METHODS OF LAPAROSCOPIC BARIATRIC                   rate when the indication for redo surgery was a technical
                                                              complication of the initial procedure. 19
          LRYGP is in reality, a well-structured and well-understood
          operation that is valuable for the treatment of clinical severe  EFFECT OF RYGBP ON THE LEVEL OF
          obesity. Longer follow-up evaluation and experience with  SERUM GHRELIN
          VBG shows that patients frequently changes dietary habits  Ghrelin, an acylated protein, is an orexigenic hormone,
          postoperatively, ingests high-calorie soft foods and liquids  decreases after feeding and increases before meals,
          and regains weight.  Because of these long-term results,  achieving concentrations sufficient to stimulate hunger and
          the operation has been largely abandoned.           food intake. This hormone is basically produced from
             A prospective, comparative analysis performed by  entero-endocrine cells of gastric mucosa and somewhat from
          Bowne et al (2006), has shown that the laparoscopic gastric  the duodenum. RYGBP seems to achieve a very strong
          bypass is superior to adjustable gastric band in super  suppression of serum ghrelin level in contrast with gastric
          morbidly obese patients. The patients who underwent  banding procedure. These findings are consistent with the
          laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB)      assumption that by suppression of ghrelin, gastric bypass
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2012;5(3):116-120                      117
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