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           REVIEW ARTICLE                                   Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology
          Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in

          Gynecologic Oncology

          Mohammed Khairy Ali, Ahmed Yehia Abdelbadee, Ahmed Mohammed Abbas, Sherif Abdel-Karim Mohammed Shazly

          ABSTRACT                                            elective oophorectomy and risk-reducing oophorectomy.
                                                              Finally, LESS for ovarian and endometrial cancer.
          Objective: To provide a review in the available literature in
          laparoendoscopic single site surgery in gynecological oncology,
          focusing on epidemiology of ovarian and endometrial cancer in  EPIDEMIOLOGY OF OVARIAN CANCER IN
          reproductive age, role of minimally invasive surgery in the  REPRODUCTIVE AGE
          management of ovarian and endometrial cancer and
          laparoendoscopic single site surgery elective oophorectomy and  In gynecologic oncology, ovarian cancer leads to more
          risk-reducing oophorectomy. Finally, laparoendoscopic single-  deaths than all other gynecologic malignancies. Each year
          site surgery for ovarian and endometrial cancer.    about 204,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer
          Design: Literature survey.                          but only 125,000 women die from this disease.  The
          Conclusion: Laparoscopy is a safe and effective approach for  incidence of ovarian cancer is about one in 78 American
          surgical staging and treatment of selected patients with  women (1.3%) that can develop ovarian cancer during her
          endometrial and ovarian cancer. Further studies and analyses  lifetime. But the incidence has been declining slowly since
          are required to determine if the use of robotics improves
          outcomes over standard laparoscopy and can extend the  1990. The epithelial ovarian carcinomas consider the most
          benefits of minimally invasive surgery to a larger proportion of  common one which represent about 90 to 95% of all cases.
          patients with this common gynecologic malignancy.   In general, the diagnosis of ovarian cancer is difficult
          Keywords:  Single-port laparoscopy, Robotic surgery,  because the symptoms of ovarian cancer are vague and
          Gynecologic oncology.                               related mainly to GIT system and there is no effective
          How to cite this article: Ali MK, Abdelbadee AY, Mohammed  screening test for ovarian cancer, so most of the patients
          Abbas A, Abdel-Karim Mohammed Shazly S. Laparoendoscopic  have advanced disease when they are diagnosed and need
          Single-Site Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology. World J Lap Surg  usually aggressive debulking surgery followed by
                                                              chemotherapy which usually results in clinical remission,
          Source of support: Nil                              but about 80% of women will develop recurrence that leads
          Conflict of interest: None                          to disease progression and death.
                                                                 In 2007, there were 22,430 cases which estimated to
          INTRODUCTION                                        develop in the United States. However, the early diagnosis
          Minimally invasive surgery has become the gold standard  is still strict only to a few cases, so the ovarian cancer is
          treatment for many gynecologic diseases. In the past,  still the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death. 4
          numerous studies have demonstrated that laparoscopic   Numerous risk factors are associated with the
          surgery plays an important role in various gynecologic  development of ovarian cancer including reproductive,
          oncologies particularly for early-stage endometrial, ovarian  environmental and genetic risk factors but the most
          and cervical cancers with shorter hospital stays, improved  important risk factor is a family history of ovarian cancer
          quality of life and comparable surgical and oncologic  and breast cancer because there are about 5 to 10% of
          outcomes to laparotomy.  Recently, an even less invasive  patients having an inherited genetic predisposition, but still
          alternative to conventional laparoscopy has been developed:  90 to 95% have no genetic link for ovarian cancer. Many
          Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) which is an  risk factors are related to a pattern of ovarian cycles during
          attempt to further enhance the cosmetic benefits of  the reproductive years, so repeated stimulation of the surface
          minimally invasive surgery while minimizing the potential  epithelium of the ovary will lead to malignant transformation
          morbidity associated with multiple incisions. LESS is  later on. Also the parity of the female plays an important
          applied to urologic and gastrointestinal surgery firstly and  role in development of ovarian cancer because the nulliparity
          demonstrates that the techniques are feasible.  In this review  is usually associated with long periods of repetitive
          article, we review the available literature about role of LESS  ovulation, and also women without children have double
          in management in gynecological malignancies, focusing on  the risk of developing ovarian cancer.  Women who have
          epidemiology of ovarian and endometrial cancer in   long period of infertility have a higher risk for ovarian
          reproductive age, role of minimally invasive surgery in the  cancer. Although the genetic link of ovarian cancer is very
          management of ovarian and endometrial cancer and LESS  high but also the iatrogenic effect of the drugs used in
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2012;5(3):121-127                      121
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