Page 49 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 49

Laparoscopic Diaphragmatic Repair

            Figs 1A and B: (A) Preoperative; (B) Postoperative chest X-ray of eventration

            Fig. 2: The CECT abdomen image of Bochdalek hernia

            tilt and sand bag under lower chest. Pneumoperitoneum created   All cases were followed up with 1 week postoperative and
            with Veress needle. Lower intra-abdominal pressure was used (10   quarterly chest X-rays.
            mm Hg). A 10-mm umbilical port was used for camera with 30°/45°
            laparoscope and the remaining 5 mm ports placed as needed  results
            (Fig. 4).                                          A total of five cases underwent laparoscopic diaphragmatic repair,
               For hernias, after reducing the contents, the sac was excised   and their characteristics are tabulated in Table 1.
            safely (Fig. 5). In the case of eventration, small rent was made in   The average age was 43.4 years (21 to 30 = one, 31 to 40 years =
            the thinned out diaphragm to create pneumothorax and reduce   three, 71 to 80 years = one). Three of five cases were males (M:F =
            tension on diaphragm, the redundant thinned out sac was excised.   3:2). Four of five cases were on the left side.
            Reconstruction done with barbed polydioxanone sutures (V-Loc)   All cases presented with the chief complaint of shortness of
            and reinforced with mesh. In the case of traumatic rupture,   breath on exertion, one case had a recent history of blunt trauma
            transmigrated abdominal contents were replaced in the abdominal   on the chest. None of the cases had features of obstruction.
            cavity. Tension-free reconstruction was done with barbed PDS   Mesh placed in four of five cases. The ICD kept in four five cases
            suture with interrupted ethibond sutures. The ICD was placed under   and removed on the second postoperative day. None required
            vision before the defect closure (Fig. 6).         conversion to open. Average operation time was 105 minutes. None

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)  47
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