Page 46 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Multiple and Bilobed Ovarian Dermoid Cysts

            Fig. 1: CT scan showing bilateral adnexal cysts with mixed echogenicity

            Fig. 2: Left ovary appearing collapsed after first dermoid cyst removal,   Fig. 3: Right ovary twisted, bilobed dermoid cyst
            posteriorly, second dermoid cyst visible
                                                               •  Left ovary enlarged up to 9 × 9 cm appearing as one big ovarian
            right adnexa suggestive of torsion. Uterus was normal size. No free   cyst.
            fluid in the pelvis was noted.                     •  Left fallopian tube normal.
               Multidimensional CT of pelvis with contrast confirmed the   •  No adhesions.
            ultrasound findings (Fig. 1).                      •  Intact capsule.
            Management Plan                                       The presence of two dermoid cysts co-inhabiting in left ovary
            Bilateral laparoscopic cystectomy SOS ovariotomy was planned for   could not be differentiated until the proximal one was removed.
                                                               Complete cystectomy of both dermoid cysts (4 × 4 cm and
            this patient under general anesthesia.             5 × 5 cm respectively) from the left ovary was carried out, and
            Laparoscopic Findings (Figs 2 and 3)               hemostasis was checked in the remaining normal ovarian tissue
                                                               on the left side.
            •  Bilateral smooth ovarian cysts                     The dilemma was whether or not to remove the ovary on
            •  Right cyst bilobed and ischemic, each measuring 4 × 4 cm.  the right side along with the dermoid cyst. After a considerable
            •  Right Fallopian tube engorged and twisted along with the   discussion, the decision of right-sided ovariotomy with right-sided
              bilobed ovarian cyst by 2 turns.                 salpingectomy was taken and proceeded.

             44   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)
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