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            Multiple and Bilobed Ovarian Dermoid Cysts: Complications

            and their Successful Laparoscopic Management

            Nayanika Gaur , Nitin Shah , Manish Jha 3
             Background: Ovarian dermoid is one of the commonly occurring ovarian neoplasms in young women but the occurrence of multiple dermoid
             cysts is comparatively rare.
             Case description: This is a case of 24-year-old woman who ignored her first diagnosis and management plan for a 3 × 3 cm dermoid cyst in
             one of the ovaries and later returned with severe symptoms of abdominal pain and vomiting and with a CT scan diagnosis of bilateral, large
             (7 × 7 cm) dermoid cysts. She was prepared for laparoscopic bilateral dermoid cyst excision, until the intraoperative scenario, revealing right-
             sided twisted bilobed dermoid cyst and left-sided twin dermoid cysts changed the original plan. Finally, the patient underwent right-sided
             ovariotomy with right-sided salpingectomy and left-sided twin dermoid cysts excision.
             Conclusion: Laparoscopy is the surgical mode of choice in dermoid presentations. Evaluation of contralateral ovary must be carried out while
             dealing with dermoid cyst of one ovary.
             Clinical significance: Torsion of a large dermoid cyst is not an indication for ovariotomy. However, ischemic dermoid cysts require an on-table
             judgement for cystectomy or ovariotomy. Laparoscopic management in skilled hands favors cystectomy. Examining contralateral ovary must
             be a routine while operating on a patient with dermoid cysts in ovary.
             Keywords: Diagnostic laparoscopy, Gynecology, Gynec-oncology.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2020): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1390

            IntroductIon                                       1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, All India Institute of
            Adnexal masses are commonly encountered and managed by   Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
            gynecologists. Benign ovarian teratomas or dermoid cysts of the   2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vardann Multispeciality
            ovary are considered the most common benign ovarian neoplasms   Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
            in young and middle-aged women and account for 20–25% of   3 Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, All India Institute of
            all ovarian tumors in this age group. Usually dermoid cysts are   Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
            unilateral, but in 10–15% cases, bilateral and/or multiple dermoid   Corresponding Author: Nayanika Gaur, Department of Obstetrics and
            cysts may be encountered. 1                        Gynecology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan,
               The majority of dermoid cysts are asymptomatic and are often   India, Phone: +91 8308609507, e-mail:
            discovered incidentally. The symptomatic ones are usually with the   How to cite this article: Gaur N, Shah N, Jha M. Multiple and
            complications of preexisting dermoid cysts like torsion, rupture, or   Bilobed Ovarian Dermoid Cysts: Complications and their Successful
            rarely malignancy.                                 Laparoscopic Management. World J Lap Surg 2020;13(1):43–45.
               With the advances in endoscopic surgery, laparoscopic excision   Source of support: Nil

            of dermoid cysts has become a gold standard approach.  Conflict of interest: None
               This case report highlights the occurrence of multiple and
            bilobed dermoid cysts, associated complications, the surgical
            dilemma of oophorectomy or cystectomy, and successful  Examination
            laparoscopic management.                           Her general condition was fair, and vitals were stable. Per abdomen,
                                                               a well-defined mass reaching up to umbilicus was felt, and
            cAse descrIptIon                                   tenderness on transverse mobility was noted. No ascites was felt.
            Case History                                       Investigations
            A 24-year-old, Para 1, admitted with complaints of severe abdominal   Routine and preoperative investigations were within normal limits.
            pain mainly in right iliac fossa radiating to thighs, associated with   Ca-125: 36.3 U/mL, CEA: 2.30 ng/mL
            complaints of 10–14 episodes of vomiting for one day. No history
            of fever, bowel/bladder disturbances, weight loss, or menstrual   Ultrasonography
            irregularities. No positive family history. Previously, she was diagnosed   Right and left adnexal cysts of 7 × 7 cm and 6 × 9 cm with mixed
            with a 3 × 3 cm right-sided ovarian dermoid cyst 4 months ago and   echogenicity, with fat and fluid contents and focal hyperechoic
            was advised surgery, which she refused and was lost to follow-up.  lesions were noted. Doppler suggested reduced blood flow in the

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
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