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Drainage of Complex Pyogenic Liver Abscess
            was irrigated by normal saline, and proper hemostasis was secured.   results
            Finally, an abdominal drain was placed in the abscess cavity and
            another one in the pelvis (Fig. 3).                Forty-eight patients (20 males and 28 females) with a median age
                                                               of 54.5 years (ranges between 34 years and 65 years) were included
            Open Surgery                                       in this study. The clinical and laboratory data of patients with CPLA
            A right subcostal incision or a midline abdominal incision was made   at presentation are shown in Table 1.
            according to abscess location. Intraoperative ultrasound was done   All patient were diagnosed by one or two imaging modalities
            to detect the exact site and extent of the liver abscess then de   (ultrasonography, CT, or MRI) and all were successfully treated either
            roofing of the abscess to drain pus and remove the fibrous septa.   by laparoscopic drainage or open surgery confirmed by at least one
            Hemostasis was secured and latex drainage tube was left (Fig. 2).  image modality, CT or MRI examination (Figs 4 and 5).
               Operative and clinical data including operation time,   All patients received broad spectrum antibiotics. Nine
            intraoperative blood loss, postoperative complication rate, length   patients had preoperative failed trial of percutaneous drainage.
            of postoperative hospital stay, and rate of abscess recurrence were   Twenty-six patients were managed by open surgical drainage
            compared between the two groups.                   and 22 patients by laparoscopic drainage. The operation time
               Regular follow-up was done weekly for the first month   and hospital stay were less and oral feeding was started earlier
            after discharge then every 2 months for about one year. Clinical   in laparoscopic drainage group. Wound infection was higher
            examination and abdominal ultrasound were done every visit.  in open drainage group. Abscess recurrence occurred once
                                                               in laparoscopic group and once in open surgery group and
            Study Design                                       both were successfully treated with percutaneous drainage.
            Combined retrospective and prospective study of all complex liver   One laparoscopic operation was converted into open surgical
            abscesses admitted to NHTMRI from January 2012 to January 2020   drainage due to unsatisfactory laparoscopic drainage. Results
            and comparison between laparoscopic and open surgical drainage   are shown in Table 2.
            as regards safety, efficacy, hospital stay, perioperative morbidity,   In pus-culture study of the 48 patients, only 38 cases (79%) had
            mortality, and recurrence.                         positive microbial reports while 21% had reports with no growth.

                                                               Table 1: Clinical and laboratory data of patients with complex pyogenic
                                                               liver abscess at presentation
                                                                Variables             LD group (n = 22) OSD group (n = 26)
                                                                Abdominal pain        21           25
                                                                Fever/rigors          21           26
                                                                Vomiting              11           12
                                                                Jaundice              5             6
                                                                Abdominal tenderness  19           23
                                                                Severe sepsis         1             8
                                                                Leukocytosis (>11,000/mL)  22      26
                                                                Elevated AST/ALT      12           15
                                                                Serum albumin (<3.5 g/dL)  7        9
                                                                Total bilirubin (>2 mg/dL)  6       9
                                                                Serum creatinine      1             8
                                                                (>1.4 mg/dL)
            Fig. 2: Open surgical drainage of bilobar multiloculated pyogenic
            abscesses                                          LD, laparoscopic drainage; OSD, open surgical drainage

            Figs 3A and B: Laparoscopic drainage of liver abscesses

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)  13
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