Page 16 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Drainage of Complex Pyogenic Liver Abscess

            Figs 4A to C: (A) Ultrasonography of a case of right lobe pyogenic liver abscess of heterogeneous echogenic mass lesion before surgical interference;
            (B) CT of the same case showing low attenuation mass with internal septa and debris; (C) CT done one week after surgery with nearly total
            resolution of the abscess

            Figs 5A and B: (A) CT scan of a case before laparoscopic drainage showing large right lobe single nonloculated abscess at segment VIII with fluid
            leveling; (B) CT after laparoscopic drainage showing significance resolution of the lesion

            The most common organisms identified were Escherichia coli 25%   Table 2: Results of laparoscopic drainage group and open surgical
            and Klebsiella pneumoniae 16%, followed by anaerobics (12.5%),   drainage group
            Streptococcus spp (10.4%), and polymicrobial (15%).  Variables         LD group (n = 22)  OSD group (n = 26)
                                                                Operative time (median   86 (75–125) minutes 105
            dIscussIon                                          and range), minutes                (95–140) minutes

            Before the 1970s, the mortality rate of PLA was high (more than   Hospital stay (median   5 (4–7) day  8 (6–11) day
            50%). With the development of imaging, surgical techniques,   and range), days
            and effective broad-spectrum antibiotics, the mortality rate is   Comorbidity (18/48   12/22 (54.5%)  6/26 (23%)
            markedly reduced. 12,13  Complex pyogenic liver abscesses usually   diabetics: patients
            require surgical drainage either open surgical drainage (OSD)   n and %)
            or laparoscopic drainage (LD) under cover of broad-spectrum   Postoperative wound   0 (0%)  2/26 (7.7%)
            antibiotics for effective management. 4             infection (n and %)
               This study conducted in NHTMRI which is a tertiary center   Perioperative mortality   0 (0%)  0 (0%)
            specialized for liver surgery from January 2012 to January 2020.   Failed preoperative   2/22 (9%)  7/26 (27%)
            During this period, only 48 patients fulfilled criteria of complex   percutaneous drainage
            liver abscess (more than 5 cm in diameter, multilocular). All patients   (9/48 patients)
            received systemic antibiotics. Nine patients had preoperative failed   Abscess recurrence  1/22 (4.5%)  1/26 (3.8%)
            trial of percutaneous drainage. Twenty-six patients were managed   LD, laparoscopic drainage; OSD, open surgical drainage
            by open surgical drainage and 22 patients by laparoscopic drainage.
               Eighteen patients (37.5%) in the current study had DM which is
            comparable to study done by Li et al. in 2018 on 246 PLA patients   In our study, the four patients that had more than one abscess
            with 90 (36.6%) of them had diabetes and higher than the study   cavity were diabetic and the two patients who had recurrence
            of Serraino et al. in which 25 patients of 109 (23%) had DM.    were also diabetic.

             14   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)
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