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Shyjus Puliyathinkal et al
          in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery for removal  tubal occlusion, endometriosis, and/or dermoids. They were
          of myomas or endometriotic cysts. The mean number of   randomized to receive Oxiplex or no further treatment after
          de novo adhesions was 2.58 (2.11) for ADEPT and 2.58  surgery.
          (2.38) for LRS. This difference was not found to be signi­     The mean baseline (American Fertility Society adhesion
          ficant (Table 3).                                   score) AFS score for each group was 8.0 (Table 6). At second
                                                              look, treated adnexa had the same score (8.1), whereas in
          Hyaluronic Acid (Intergel)
                                                              control adnexa the score increased (8.0­11.6).
          The study which investigated the efficacy of this autocross­
          linked barrier was done in 2006 by Mais et al.  Fifty­two   CONClUSION
          patients aged 22 to 42 years, undergoing surgery at four  The decision whether to use an adhesion barrier or not, need
          centers, were randomly allocated to receive either the gel  to be well thought out one. We need to weigh the balance
          or no adhesion prevention. The incidence and severity of  between the efficacy of the material used against the cost
          postoperative adhesions were assessed laparoscopically after  implications involved. The reasonable conclusions that we
          12 to 14 weeks in a blinded, scored fashion.        were able to reach in the light of the available evidence are
             A higher proportion of patients receiving the gel were  mentioned below.
          free from adhesions compared with control patients. In     Oxidized regenerated cellulose (Interceed) effectively
          subjects undergoing myomectomy without any concomitant  helps to reduce the incidence and extent of postoperative
          surgery, though there was no significant difference in the   adhesions, even in high risk groups (including patients
          proportion of adhesion free patients , a significant difference   with severe endometriosis). Though icodextrin (ADEPT)
          was found in the mean severity scores (Table 4). In subjects   was found to be safe in laparoscopic surgery, no beneficial
          without uterine adhesions prior to myomectomy, a significant   clinical effects could be established with its use. Auto­cross
          diffe rence was found in the severity of uterine adhesions.  linked hyaluron gel appears to have a favorable safety profile
                                                              as well as an efficacious antiadhesive action following lapa­
          Solution of HA (Sepracoat)
                                                              roscopic gynecological procedures with the available data.
          It was the study by Diamond  in 1998 which looked at   Sepracoat appears to be one of the most promising adhesive
          patients who underwent gynecologic procedures by means   barriers, in not only being safe but also significantly reducing
          of a prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo­controlled   the incidence, extent and severity of de novo adhesions at
          multicenter study. Surgeons assessed their adhesions during
          second­look laparoscopy approximately 40 days later. The          Table 4: Mais et al (2006)
          Sepracoat group had a significantly lower incidence of    Parameter assessed  Hyaluron gel No barrier p-value
          de novo adhesions than the placebo group as assessed by the   percentage of patients free  62%  41%  NS
          proportion of sites involved and the percentage of patients   of adhesions
          without de novo adhesions as well as significantly reduced   Mean severity scores   Less severe  < 0.05
                                                              for adhesions (for
          adhesion extent and severity (Table 5).             myomectomy alone)
                                                              Mean severity scores for   Less severe    < 0.05
          Oxiplex                                             adhesions (in adhesion
                                                              free patients prior to
          The study of 2005 by Young et al  was aimed at patients   myomectomy)
          undergoing laparoscopic surgery with pelvic adhesions,   NS: Nonsignificant

                         Table 2: Sekiba K (1992)                            Table 5: diamond (1998)
           Parameter assessed   Interceed  Control  p-value   Parameter assessed  Sepracoat  Placebo  p-value
           percentage of patients   41%    76%    < 0.0001    percentage of     13%         4.6%      < 0.05
           with adhesions                                     adhesion free patients
           Area involved in     Significantly  NA  < 0.001    proportion of sites   0.23    0.30      < 0.05
           adhesions            less                          involved
           percentage of patients   50%    82%    < 0.05      Adhesion severity  Significantly        < 0.05
           with adhesions in high                                               less
           risk group
                                                                            Table 6: Young et al (2005)
                         Table 3: Trew et al (2011)           Parameter assessed      Oxiplex  Placebo  p-value
           Parameter assessed  Icodextrin  Ringer’s lactate p-value  Increase in AFS score  8-8.1  8-11.6
           Mean number of    2.58 (2.11)  2.58 (2.38)  0.909  percentage of patients with   34%  67%
           de novo adhesions                                  increase in AFS score
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49