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          Shyjus Puliyathinkal et al                                            10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1222
          RevieW aRticLe

          Adhesion Prevention in Operative Gynecology:

          How Realistic are Our Expectations?

          1 Shyjus Puliyathinkal,  KP Abdul Vahab,  N Umadevi,  KC Geetha,  P Mumtaz,  Aswathy Govind
          7 Pavithra Mahesh,  Ayisha Hashim
          ABSTRACT                                            trauma is the primary contributing factor. Infection, ischemic
          The purpose of this review is to critically analyze the effective-  damage and exposure to foreign materials can significantly
          ness of adhesive barriers in adhesion prevention in terms of  contribute to this. 2
          incidence and extent of postoperative adhesions and to help      Adhesions can be primary or de novo adhesions vs secon­
          one choose the best and the most cost-effective, among those
          available in market today.                          dary or reformed adhesions. The former are freshly formed
          Materials and methods: We analyzed 18 published articles to  ones, on locations devoid of adhesions before and the latter
          critically look at the effectiveness of adhesive barriers in operative  are those adhesions that undergo adhesiolysis and recur at
          gynecology. A literature research was performed using internet.  the same location.  Adhesions may also be classified based
          Discussion: Oxidized regenerated cellulose (Interceed) was
          found to be an effective adhesion barrier with treated side-  on the location, as intra­abdominal or intrauterine. Virtually,
          walls showing significantly less area involved with adhesions   any surgical procedure performed transperitoneally can
          (p < 0.05). With 4% icodextrin solution (AdepT), no significant   lead to adhesions ranging from minimal scarring of serosal
          reduction of de novo adhesions was found in patients under-
          going laparoscopic surgery for removal of myomas or endome-  surface to firm agglutination of structures.
          triotic cysts (p = 0.909). With use of hyaluronic acid (Intergel), a     The formation of adhesions following an open approach
          significant difference was found in the mean adhesion severity   in gynecology is more than a common entity. It has been
          scores (p < 0.05). The  Sepracoat  group  had  a  significantly
          lower incidence of de novo adhesions in terms of proportion of   reported that intra­abdominal adhesions occur in 60 to 90%
          sites involved, percentage of adhesion free patients as well as  of women who have undergone major gynecological proce­
          adhesion extent and severity. Oxiplex was found to prevent an   dures.  Further, a recent study by  conducted in Scotland
          increase in adhesion score when compared to placebo.
          Conclusion: The decision whether to use an adhesion barrier   reported that women undergoing an initial open surgery
          or not, need to be a well thought out one after weighing the  for gynecological conditions had a 5% likelihood of being
          balance between the efficacy of the material against the cost   rehospitalized because of adhesions over the next 10 years.
          implications involved. The quest for the best of the adhesive
          barriers still continues.                              Though many adhesions resulting from gynecological
          Keywords: Adhesion barriers, Oxidized regenerated cellulose,   surgery have little or no detrimental effect on patients, a consi­
          Interceed, Icodextrin, AdepT, Hyaluronic acid, Intergel/Hyalo-  derable proportion of them can result in serious short and
          barrier, Sepracoat, Viscoelastic gel, Oxiplex.      long­term complications, including infertility,  pelvic pain
          How to cite this article: puliyathinkal S, Vahab KpA, Umadevi N,   and intestinal obstruction, resulting in a reduced quality of
          Geetha  KC,  Mumtaz  p,  Govind A,  Mahesh  p,  Hashim A.     9
          Adhesion prevention in Operative Gynecology: How Realistic   life  often requiring readmission to hospital and additional
          are Our expectations? World J Lap Surg 2014;7(2):88-91.  more complicated surgical procedures and indeed increased
          Source of support: Nil                              surgical costs. 10
          Conflict of interest: None                             Propensity to form adhesions are thought to be patient
                                                              specific. The nutritional status, disease entities like diabetes
          INTROdUCTION                                        and the presence of concurrent infectious processes also
          Abnormal fibrous connections joining tissue surfaces are   contribute. They impair leukocyte and fibroblast function
          termed as adhesions.  Tissue damage caused by surgical   in these patients, potentially increasing adhesion formation.
                                                              It has also been shown that postsurgical adhesions increase
                                                              with the age of the patient, the number of previous surgeries
                                                              and the type and complexity of surgical procedures. When
            1,4,5,7 Associate professor,  professor,  Assistant professor
                                                              lysed, adhesions have a tremendous propensity to reform.
            1-8 department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MeS Medical
            College, perinthalmanna, Kerala, India               Since, its first introduction in gynecological surgery in
                                                              1986, laparoscopy with its minimal access to the perito­
            Corresponding Author:  Shyjus  puliyathinkal, Associate
            professor, department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 315   neal cavity has been claimed to be associated with reduced
            Sana Apartments, puthanangadi post, Malappuram district   rates of adhesion formation  and related complications,
            Kerala, India,  phone: +919747355709, +914933253305   compared  with  open  approach.  Conclusive  evidence
                                                              is available from current studies, that a comparable or
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