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                                                                      Training in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery in India
          centers offer unrecognized fellowship and training   GI surgery training should be performing advanced
          program in laparoscopic surgery to the general surgeons.  laparoscopic procedures. The training program should
          In view of limited recognized options available; these  be well structured and trainees must get adequate expo-
          options are worth having but how much quality training  sure and hands on training in open surgeries, basic and
          that would provide is questionable. Some of the associ-  advanced laparoscopic procedures. There should be a list
          ations also furnish fellowship in minimal access surgery,  of surgeries prepared by an authorized body; the trainee
          which includes 3 to 4 days training by didactic lectures  must have minimum exposure to those procedures and
          followed by practical examination on endotrainer which  minimum hands on training for listed surgical proce-
          seems inadequate for surgeons who are not adequately  dures. The training courses should be recognized by
          trained previously. So, overall options to learn advanced  authorized body and there should be a well-organized
          laparoscopic surgery in India are limited.          assessment program for trainees and institution as well.
                                                              The institution must have a faculty who is well verse
          WHeRe IS THe gAP?
                                                              with the advanced laparoscopic surgery; for which there
          The few training courses for advanced laparoscopy  is also a need to train the trainers.
          available  currently  in  India,  and  they  are  not  well
          orga nized. The curriculum is not well structured. Many   SuMMARy
          of the fellowships are unrecognized. Majority of these    Advanced laparoscopic surgery is the future and will
          training programs provide exposure of basic laparoscopic   become a necessity for the surgeon in coming time. A well
          surgery with very limited training in advanced laparos-   designed structured training in advanced laparoscopic
          copic surgery. Advanced laparoscopic surgery is not just   surgery is the need of the time. It will raise the standard
          a replication of open surgery; it needs understanding
          of different ergonomics and concepts. The laparoscopic   of healthcare system in our country. Formal proper
                                                              training reduces the learning curve of the surgeon and
          anatomy is quite different from open surgery. Majority
          of the surgeons try self-learning; but they either fail to   in turn will reduce the complications.
          learn or they learn certain limited procedures and cannot   RefeRenCeS
          expand this field fully. Many of them compromised the
          quality of surgery while trying to perform advanced     1.  Nelson H, Sargent DJ, Wieand HS, Fleshman J, Anvari M,
          procedures with laparoscopy without formal training.    Stryker SJ, Beart RW, Hellinger M, Flanagan R, Peters W,
          Those who learn by their selves need longer learning    et al. A comparison of laparoscopically assisted and open
                                                                  colectomy for colon cancer: the clinical outcomes of surgical
          curve. There are very few surgeons who catch up the real   therapy study group (COST). N Engl J Med 2004;350:2050-2059.
          advanced laparoscopy by their own. Another hurdle in     2.  Lacy AM, García-Valdecasas JC, Delgado S, et al. Laparo -
          training of the advanced laparoscopic procedures is that   s copy-assisted colectomy versus open colectomy for treat-
          many of the senior teachers at academic institutions those   ment ofnon-metastatic colon cancer: a randomized trial.
          who are excellent in providing open surgery training    Lancet 2002;359:2224-2229.
          have not adopted advanced laparoscopic surgery. This     3.  Morneau M, Boulanger J, Charlebois P, Latulippe JF, Loug-
          factor also restricts the development of advanced laparo s -   narath R, Thibault C, Gervais N. Laparoscopic versus open
                                                                  surgery for the treatment of colorectal cancer: a literature
          copic procedures in the department.                     review and recommendations from the Comité de l’évolution
                                                                  des pratiques en oncologie. Can J Surg 2013 Oct;56(5):297-310.
          THe WAy foRWARd                                       4.  Eshraghi N, Farahmand M, Soot SJ, Rand-Luby L, Deveney
          Ways to learn laparoscopic  surgery are practice on     CW, Sheppard BC. Comparison of outcomes of open versus
          endotrainer, training on simulator, animal and cadaver   laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication performed in a single
                                                                  practice. Am J Surg 1998 May;175(5):371-374.
          model training and supervised hands on training on     5.  From website of Medical Council of India. (updated on 5th
          patients. Endotrainer practice is good to develop hand   June 2014) Available at:
          eye co-ordination but not enough to perform surgery on   tionDesk/CollegesCoursesSearch.aspx?N=18 (On 10th June
          humans. Facility of training on simulator, animal and   2014)
          cadaver model is available at very few places in India.      6.  From website of National Board of Examination. Available
          Although there are some ethical issues, but the best    at: (On 10th June 2014)
          trai ning module would be supervised hands on training.      7.  Supe AN. Laparoscopic training in India: need for criterion-
                                                                  based training and objective assessment of surgical skills.
             The way forward to develop advanced laparoscopic     Nat Med J Ind 2009;22(4):188-191.
          surgery in our country is to train surgeons to perform     8.  Newton MJ. Moral dilemmas in surgical training: intent and
          minimal invasive surgery. Every center which provides   the case for ethical ambiguity. J Med Ethics 1986;12:207-209.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):136-137                      137
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