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                                   Laparoscopic Nissen-Rossetti Fundoplication: Possibility Toward Day Care Antireflux Surgeries
          pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. Thus, high-  ConCLUSion
          lighting that an approach toward day care fundoplication   Laparoscopic Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication is effec -
          had begun whilst the possibility of day care cholecys-  tive for the treatment of GERD with severe grade or
          tectomy had already become evident and been brought     symptoms. It can be offered to the patient as day care
          into practice.                                      procedure also but with proper selection criteria. More
             Simple acceptances of a procedure to be performed   studies can be done prospectively and with appropriate
          as day care needs to have no increased morbidity and   blinding to prove the efficacy of this procedure as a day
          mortality compared to in-patient procedure, high success   care option for antireflux surgery.
          rate of same day discharge and satisfied patients. Good
          pain relief can be brought in by local infiltration of the   ACKnoWLEDGMEnTS
          diaphragm as well as port site wounds supplemented by
          NSAIDs or likewise.                                 The authors acknowledge the efforts taken by the clinical
             Recently, new interventions to treat GERD have been   staff at the hospital for their kind support for the cases
          developed like the magnetic sphincter positioned around   operated and care given. We acknowledge the efforts of
          the  distal  esophagus  laparoscopically.  Here post-  the doctors, anesthesiologist and surgical team for their
          operative pain is almost negligible since the dissection   contribution and efforts for successful recovery of the
          is minimal. Thus, pain relief becomes a major criterion   patient. Finally, we acknowledge the patients without
          for deciding the feasibility of the surgical procedure to   whom this study would have not been possible and thank
          be considered as a day care procedure.              them for their kind informed consent.
             The Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication differs from the
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