Page 42 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 42

Deepti Shrivastava et al

            Fig. 1: Laparoscopy picture showing only upper surface of   Fig. 2: Laparotomy picture, i.e. uterus adherent all around limiting
              uterus was visualized surrounded all over by adhesions  distension of urinary bladder. Endometriotic nodule visualized on
          DISCUSSION                                          abdominal wall by laparotomy relieved the urinary
                                                              incontinence of the patient. The diagnosis of vesicouterine
          Adhesion formation after cesarean section varies widely   fistula (VUF) is often confirmed by imaging studies and
          in incidence. Etiopathology of it is poorly understood. It is   cystoscopy.  Vesicouterine fistula following cesarean
          again debatable, whether peritoneal closure is beneficial   section may heal spontaneously with involution of the
          or not.  endometriosis is defined as the presence of   puerperal uterus. Spontaneous healing may occur in 5%
          functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity.    of cases. When it does not, continuous hormonal therapy
          Endometriosis of the urinary bladder is an uncommon   can be given to suppress menstruation for 3 to 6 months
          lesion and is seen in 1% of all cases of endometriosis.    as first line of therapy. Suppression of menstruation can
          It exists in two forms, primary and secondary. The   be tried with progestogens or GnRH analog  as is done
          primary form is generally a part of generalized pelvic   in this case. The histopathology confirmed endometriosis
          disease, whereas the secondary is iatrogenic, that is,   of bladder wall.
          it occurs after pelvic surgery like cesarean section or
          hysterectomy.  In this case, it might had developed  CONCLUSION
          following prolonged second stage of labor or due to   Injuries to the bladder discovered at the time of cesarean
          intraoperative trauma leading to Vesicouterine fistula,   section should be repaired immediately. If the diagnosis
          which was healed afterwards. Vesicouterine fistula is an   of a vesicouterine fistula is made in the early postope­
          uncommon urogenital fistula and accounts for 1 to 4% of   rative period, there have been a few reported cases of
          all urogenital fistulas.  Cyclical hematuria or menouria   spontaneous closure of fistula with continuous urethral
          is an important clinical feature of this fistula which may   catheter drainage for 2 weeks with antibiotic cover.
          or may not be associated with urinary incontinence    Diagnosis of such cases are difficult due to nonspecific
          depending on the location of the fistulous tract.    symptoms. High index of suspicion to all symptomatic
          The  classical  Youssef  syndrome  comprises  of  cyclic   women with a history of cesarean delivery or other gyne-
          hematuria, amenorrhea, menouria, and complete urinary   cological surgery give a clue to the diagnosis.
          continence in a patient who had LSCS.  This is explained   Ultrasonography may be inconclusive. Cystoscopy
          by the differential pressure gradient between the uterus   and biopsy may give a clue to the diagnosis before sur-
          and the bladder and the sphincteric action of the isthmus,   gery.  Treatment varies according to the severity and site
          which facilitates passage of blood from the uterus into the  of involvement of each case. Hormonal therapy does have
          bladder.  Our case is not a classical Youssef’s syndrome as  a definite role in regressing the lesion.
          the patient had incontinence. Dense adhesions between   Although Misgav Ladach technique is advantageous
          the anterior abdominal wall, uterus and bladder were  in general for LSCS, care should be taken for proper
          noted on laparoscopy and confirmed on laparotomy.  selection of cases. Specially in cases of obstructed labor
          The anchoring effect of the uterus on bladder explains  where bladder wall integrity is unpredictable, layerwise
          the overflow incontinence experienced by the patient.  opening and closure is important to prevent postopera-
          Total separation of uterus, urinary bladder and anterior  tive complications.

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