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                                             Laparoscopic Entry: A Hybrid Technique of Open Hasson and Direct Trocar Access
          a year now and have found it easy and reliable, without  alba is slightly lateral, the entry with trocar might be
          any injuries whatsoever.                            through different layers of the abdominal wall like rectus
                                                              muscle, posterior rectus sheath, and peritoneum leading
          DIFFICULT SITUATIONS                                to difficulty in either extending incision for specimen
                                                              removal or for closure of the sheath.
          The difficult situations are the same as what one faces for
          other techniques like previous scar in the upper abdomen  REFERENCE
          or hernia at umbilicus; in such cases palmer’s point     1.  Gould JC, Philip A. Principles and techniques of abdominal
          can be preferred for insertion of either Veress or direct     access and physiology of pneumoperitoneum. Sci Am Surg
          5 mm trocar depending on experience. If the cut in linea   2011;8:P1-P9.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2016;9(1):47-49                              49
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