Page 50 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery - WALS Journal
P. 50

Sadashivayya S Soppimath

                  Fig. 4: Linea alba incised, peritoneum intact      Fig. 5: Trocar positioned at incised linea alba,
                                                                         ready to insert into peritoneal space

              Fig. 6: Trocar insertion with elevation of abdominal wall  Fig. 7: Camera insertion visualizing the peritoneal space

          •  The 10 mm trocar is inserted at the site of linea alba open-  •  The chances of air leak surrounding the trocar is
             ing and pushed downward through the peritoneum      avoided as the incision in the linea alba is less than
             while the left hand elevates the abdominal wall (while   1 cm, thereby snuggly fitting the trocar.
             carefully feeling the resistence) (Figs 5 and 6).  •  If it needs to be converted to a laparotomy the incision
          •  The entry into peritoneal cavity is confirmed with air   can be easily extended unlike periumbilical transverse
             flow (at low rate of 3 l/min or by direct visualization   incision.
             by scope)and inserting the scope (Fig. 7).       •  The chance of extraperitoneal insufflation like in
                                                                 Veress needle insertion is avoided.
          ADVANTAGES                                          •  Even in patients with previous lower abdomen scar
                                                                 extending into the umbilicus, this technique can be
          •  The midline incision helps in easy dissection to the
             linea alba and also in extending the incision for easy   used with incision placed few centimeters above the
             specimen removal.                                   umbilicus.
          •  The closure of the sheath is easy, assured, and free   •  The overall time taken in establishing pneumoperito-
             of future possible hernia. Considering the anatomy     neum is comparitively less than Veress or open access
             of the umbilicus, the ligamental support structures of   techniques.
             the umbilicus are least damaged with direct vertical   EXPERIENCE
             incision either above or below umbilicus.
          •  The force required to insert trocar is minimal as  The senior surgeon of our team first described this

             only the peritoneal layer needs to be breached,  technique and has been using it for all his laparoscopic

             thereby avoiding injuries to bowel, vessels, or mesen-  procedures since 2001 and now has experience of more
             tery due to excess uncontrolled force used in direct  than 4,000 procedures. He had no complications like
             trocar access. (One develops the feel as the experience  bowel/mesentery or vascular injuries. The two other
             increases).                                      authors of this article are using this technique for over
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